The Right Choice

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"What are you doing, babe? Are you going somewhere?" RJ asked when he opened his eyes and found Dei in a smart white blouse and black pencil skirt ensemble, fixing her hair in front of a small mirror on the table.

He stood from the recliner he was sitting in and walked to check Athena on the bed. She was still fast asleep on her side with her mouth slightly ajar. The IV line was still attached to her left hand.

"I have to report to work today, babe," she answered and she turned to him knowing he'd react negatively.

"Why?" he asked. "Athena is still here in the hospital, Dei."

"I know, and I won't be at the office the whole day. I just need to fix something, and Shannon only allowed me three days of personal leave. Beyond that she'd have to give me some disciplinary actions and I can't have that. Can you watch Athena for me for just a few hours?"

"Why do you need to go to work, Dei?"

She sighed. "I need to fix the mess I made, babe. I already requested for another chance to meet with Mr. Dawson to rediscuss the deal. He agreed and we're meeting at the office at 9."

"I thought we agreed that you will focus more on the family this time? Or is your career still more important?"

"No, RJ, it's not. It never was. But this deal... I made a commitment to the company --"

"And you also made a commitment to me when we got married, and hopefully with Athena too when you gave birth to her."

"RJ, you don't understand. I'm planning to--"

"Do whatever you wanna do, Dei. That's what always happens anyway."

"RJ -- "

"Don't talk to me. Not now. Just do what you have to do," he said coldly before turning around and walking to the bed to lie beside Athena.

Dei breathed out the heavy feeling in her chest and looked at the time. It was 8:30 AM. If she was to push through with her plan, she couldn't afford any sanctions. She needed a clean record. She decided to get on with it and just fix things with RJ later. She knew there was no way him and her would be able to get any decent conversation at that moment anyway.

She walked around the bed and kissed Athena goodbye and then she leaned over and gave RJ a kiss on the cheek too.

"I love you babe. We'll talk later," she said before leaving.


"Dei, dear, I'm glad to see you here," Shannon said as she looked up from the layout proposal she was reviewing. "How's Athena?"

"She's still in the hospital. Still getting fevers so the doctor needed to change her antibiotics," Dei answered.

"Awww kids. Every single one of them goes through that phase. Don't worry. I'm sure she'll get better soon," Shannon said with a more sympathetic smile.

Dei just nodded but didn't say anything.

"So how was your meeting with Mr. Dawson?" Shannon asked anxiously.

Dei heaved a huge sigh before handing Shannon a folder. "We got the deal. Mr. Dawson will make the initial payment on Monday and he expects the ads to start appearing on the next issue. That's the signed contract."

"I knew it!" Shannon said happily. "I knew you'd be able to pull this off perfectly. You are certainly our lucky charm, Dei."

"Is there any reason why you didn't just try to close the deal yourself, Shannon?"

"Well I had another meeting. And you're the best person for this job. Congratulations, Dei! And welcome back!"

"Actually, no..." Dei said as she handed Shannon another piece of paper. "That's my resignation letter, a two week notice. I'll finish handing over all the tasks to the assistant marketing manager over the next three days, and I will make sure that I cover everything in the transition process. I wanna request that I be allowed to do all those from home though because my daughter needs me. After three days, I will file my unused leave credits to cover the rest of the two weeks. I have to leave Shannon. I want to thank you and the company for all the opportunity, but I have to focus more on my family now."

"But Dei, you might wanna think more about this. You are being considered for another promotion in the next quarter. You're one of our best employees."

"I really want to thank you for considering me but I would have to decline that. I have a more important job to do, Shannon."

"I did not expect this. I thought you loved your job so much."

"I'm sorry. You thought wrong, Shannon. I love RJ and Athena more. I have to go," Dei said as she rose from her seat. "Thank you and congratulations on the new deal."


RJ was surprised when Dei came back three hours later with a medium sized black box in her hand.

"You're early," he said.

"Yes. I told you I'd be gone for only a few hours. Hi, baby," she greeted Athena who was sitting on the bed playing with her toys.

"Ma-ma. Kew teena!"

"What's in the box?" he asked as he gave her some space to reach for Athena and carry her.

"Some stuff. I got the deal signed. Hearst now has one of its biggest clients to date."

"Well, congratulations," he muttered. "Always the brilliant Dei Mendoza Faulkerson. Hearst is so lucky to have you."

"Shannon told me they're considering me for a promotion next quarter," Dei said, looking at him and his bitter expression.

"That must've made you really happy huh?"

"I declined it."

RJ looked at her. "That's unexpected."

"And I quit. I gave Shannon a two week notice but I'll be using my leave credits after three days and until the two weeks is up. I'm officially out of job."

He just stared at her for a few moments, still not fully grasping her news.

"My career was never more important, RJ, but apparently, that's how it looked to almost everyone else and I'm sorry it seemed that way. I just loved the sense of fulfillment, babe, the feeling of being able to accomplish something remarkably and being recognized for it. But I guess I was looking for it in the wrong place. Now I've decided I want to be recognized more for being a good mom and a good wife. From now on, I'm all yours, RJ."

"Well you are already a good wife and a good mom even before, babe --"

"Oh cut the bullshit, babe. You were so mad at me earlier," Dei said as she sat beside RJ.

"Are you really sure about this, Dei?"

"I am. I have never been more sure babe."

"Thank you, Dei. I know this is such a huge step for you. But I'm glad that you chose us."

"I will always choose you and Athena. I love you both," she whispered.

"We love you too, babe." He leaned it to kiss Dei on the lips and Athena giggled.

"Group hug?" Dei asked and the two of them plopped on the bed, bringing Athena with them and showering her with kisses.

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