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"Babe?" RJ called softly from the bathroom door when he saw Dei staring quietly at the mirror. Her hands were propped on the sink, right beside her phone and she was breathing hard.

Just a few minutes ago, at breakfast, she suddenly shot up from her seat without warning and ran to their bedroom.

"Mommy?" Athena called too, peeking behind RJ's legs.

Dei turned to them and gave them both a small smile. She lifted her hand to tuck some hair behind her ear and RJ noticed how it was trembling.

"Are you okay, babe?" RJ asked worriedly.

"Babe... I just realized that I was delayed again, for a full week this time," she said, wiping her sweaty palm on her dress.

"Okay... did you take a pregnancy test?" he asked. He was suddenly feeling that nervous anticipation again.

"Not yet," Dei said, shaking her head and biting her lip. "I'm scared. I'm scared of getting disappointed again. I mean, we already went through this five times since we started trying and we always ended up being disappointed.

He sighed, he understood. "I know. I feel the same way. But we need to check, babe. If you're indeed pregnant there are a lot of things you'd need to do and take, so we have to confirm through a pregnancy test," he said gently. "It's okay, I'll be right here, and whatever the result would be, I'll stand by you. If it's negative again, that's fine. We can try and try."

He opened the medicine cabinet and took one of the kits that they had stocked there since they began trying. He handed it to her and touched her face. "Go on babe, it's okay," he told her softly. "We'll wait outside and whatever the result would be, we will happily continue what we're planning to do today okay? Don't be too hard on yourself." He kissed her forehead and gave her a reassuring smile.

Dei nodded and RJ pulled Athena out of the bathroom and closed the door.

"What's wong wif mommy?" Athena asked as RJ sat on the bed.

"Mommy just needs to check something. Come here, wait with me," RJ said, patting the space beside him on the bed.

Athena waddled towards him, placed her stuffed toys on the bed and carefully hoisted herself up.

"Can you do it?" RJ asked when he saw her struggling.

"Twying..." Athena grunted.

"Need my help?"


RJ grinned. Athena was indeed his little Dei.

She finally made it to the bed and she rolled to sit on it, beaming proudly.

"Great job, princess," RJ said, kissing her forehead.

15 minutes later, Dei finally walked out of the bathroom. Her eyes were brimming with tears again like the last few times she had done a pregnancy test and got a negative result. RJ's heart clenched in disappointment but he didn't show it. Instead he smiled and walked towards her.

"It's okay, babe. We have so many months and years ahead of us to try and try. No pressure, right? Now let's go to the playg--"

"It's positive," Dei said.

"I'm sorry?"

"It's positive," Dei said showing him the kits. "Three kits and they all show it's positive. Baby number two is here!"

The Experiment 2: The JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now