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"Dude. I need approval on this concept for the new short video series," Tim said as he walked inside RJ's office.

He found RJ slumped on his seat with his head resting on his palm, staring tiredly at the computer screen, while his other hand moved the mouse.

"You look beaten," Tim commented. "It's only 10:30 AM but you already look like you've ran five marathons."

"Yea, I am tired," RJ sighed, adjusting his position so he was leaning against the table instead. "What is it that you want again?"

"Approval. For this concept," Tim said, handing him a file. "I've sent you a copy on your email too. That one has sample frames, at least for the first two episodes. The concept already made it through the editor but I still need your go signal."


"So what's up? Why are you so tired? Has the missus been keeping you awake and tired with her cravings?" Tim said with a smirk.

RJ stared at him. "Huh?"

"Her cravings. I heard pregnant women have this weird craving that mostly happen in the middle of the night," he said. "They'd ask for food that are out of this world that you'd have to scour the whole city to find it."

"Oh. That," RJ mumbled, obviously flustered, and Tim smirked some more. "Well what you said is a bit exaggerated but yea, pretty much. Your girl is pregnant too right? How is she, when is she due?"

Tim leaned back on his seat and placed both hands behind his head. "Well lucky for me my girl's an independent woman who doesn't bother me with her weird ass cravings."

"You are such an asshole, you know that?" RJ told him, shaking his head.

"Well what can I do? She doesn't call me for anything related to her pregnancy. In fact, she rarely calls me for anything at all," Tim said, shrugging, but RJ could see that it was bothering him more than he was letting on.

"You deserve it," he said simply.

"Geez, thanks man," Tim said, rolling his eyes.

"When is she due?"

"I dunno. Next month?" Tim said uncertainly. "For all I know she already gave birth and just wasn't telling me, you know? Well it's her loss, not mine."

"God, you are so messed up. When was the last time you saw her exactly?" RJ asked.

"Two months ago," Tim said casually.

"And you never tried checking on her after that?" RJ asked incredulously.

"I did. Twice. But I couldn't find her. She responds to my texts but won't tell me where she is," Tim said. "You know what, this romance stuff? It's not for me. Too much effort when there are loads of girls out there who would die for my attention."

"I can't believe you're my friend. I'm quite disgusted, Tim," RJ said, shaking his head yet again.

Tim smirked. "You're the one to talk. For all I know you were probably worse than I am before you met Dei."

"Exactly. There it is. I met my Dei," RJ said, smiling. "And I really hope you find yours too."

"Well if they had sent me to the Philippines before instead of you then I would've found her first."

RJ's smile faltered. "I hope you're joking, man, because I'm about to knock your head off."

Tim laughed and shoved his shoulder playfully. "Of course I was kidding, man, what do you take me for?" he said still laughing. "And Dei isn't my type. Plus she probably would've ignored me anyway."

The Experiment 2: The JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now