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"Eeeeeeeek!!!! Athena bear, you're really heeeere!" Matt shrieked when he approached the elevator and saw RJ and Dei holding Athena between them. He jumped in at the last minute and managed to squeeze himself inside before the doors completely closed.

"Yes, Uncow Matthew, I am," Athena said, beaming.

"I told you her grammy's gonna be gone for a few weeks," RJ said. "We could leave her with the neighbors, but since the building has opened a daycare area, we want Athena to try it out for a few days. It'd be better and easier if we could take her to work, you know."

"That's an awesome idea, actually," Matt said.

"Daddy said thews a pwayplace fow Teena. Is the pwayplace nice, Uncow Matthew?"

"I haven't seen it yet, princess, but I'm sure it's really nice," Matt told her. "Especially since TrendBuzz has allotted a huge budget for it. They figured it would minimize absenteeism, especially for single parents, if kids could be brought to work where they could have a safe space to stay in during office hours," he added, talking Dei and Jay this time.

"TrendBuzz is amazing," Dei said.

"It is," Matt said proudly. "Oh, here's your floor. Don't forget to visit Uncle Matthew during break time, princess. Or you know what, I wouldn't have much to do after lunch, so you can stay in my office then and I will tour you around the floor."

"Do you think that's alright?" RJ asked, holding the door open.

"Mark's not around, Jay, so I'm the boss. I'll take care of it," Matt said, winking.

RJ and Dei smiled, and they got off the lift with Athena. They walked towards the new daycare and play area on the 10th floor and surveyed the place. Dei and RJ were amazed to find out that the daycare area actually covered almost the entire floor.

Through the glass windows they could see a wide space for the play area where a few kids were already playing, and then there was a part with loads of book shelves too. They also saw two rooms with signs that said they were sleeping areas for boys and girls.

"Wow, this is amazing," Dei said, looking at the place in awe. "Athena would surely be comfortable here."

"Mommy, I wanna play now!" Athena said, tugging Dei's hand.

"Okay. Let me just check you in, princess," Dei said and they walked towards one of the attendants on the check in counter. "Hi!"

"Hello! Are we checking in the young lady?" the female attendant asked with a smile.

"Yes, please."

"Alright, fill out this form please, and kindly indicate if she has any types of allergies or medical conditions that we should be aware of. Is she gonna be checking in for the whole day?"

"No, we'll probably pick her up before lunch," RJ answered while Dei wrote on the form.

"Okay, no problem," the attendant smiled.

"Here you go," Dei said when she finished filling out the form. "Are you gonna be okay in here, Athena?"

"Yes," Athena answered right away.

"Great," the attendant said, smiling fondly at her. "Come in please, Athena, and let's get your shoes off. Put it in this locker right here, and then you can go to the play area."

The Experiment 2: The JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now