Chapter 1

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Frank heard the strange tapping of footsteps around him. He didn't even know how he ended up there, in a dark alley, at 2a.m., shivering at the stinging cold of January.

He had went to some old bar in the corner of the street in hopes to forget about his troubles, and especially, about his last break-up.

'He was a jerk anyway,' he thought to himself in his slightly blurred mind. It's not that he was swimming in alcohol, he just had a few drinks to help himself feel better, with zero intentions on getting wasted. And he didn't. His brain just felt a little foggy, that's all.

And at least he was sober enough to avoid the drunken jerks that tried to hit on him every three minutes.

The night got even worse, though, when he felt the first few wet drops hitting his pale face. Shit, it would start raining soon. He couldn't allow himself to get cold (or at least, colder than he already was), it would slow him down, and with his poor immune system, would also make him sick.

He began walking faster, hoping to find a shelter as soon as possible...

That's when he stepped into that dark alley. Small roofs and fabrics protected him there, and he thought it would be a good shortcut to his apartment.

He tried to find his way in the darkness of the alley, it won't help him getting home if he tripped over something and fell.

And it was quiet, like a ghost town, the only sound being his steps inside the small puddles of water on the cracked up pavements.

But even though he was focused on walking, his gaze fixed on his own feet, he couldn't help that disturbing feeling in his guts, like something was watching him.

He shook his head slightly, telling himself he had watched too many horror movies. 'This is always where the murder happens. Here the attacker gets his victim and kills them, or rapes them, or eats them alive.'

He let himself smile a bit at his own fantasies. Why would anyone attack him here? Sure, Jersey wasn't the safest place on Earth, but that was a relatively calm area. Crime here wasn't that common. Besides, if someone decides to rob him, he would have 14 dollars to give them and his shitty phone. And it's not like he had a family to call. He barely even had friends here. They wouldn't have much to take from him anyway...

And then he heard steps.

And he froze.

For a few seconds it became silent, making Frank start to think that maybe he really had become too paranoid, but when the noises continued and turned into obvious footsteps approaching him, that's when he began to panic.

Frank tried to ignore the worry that washed over him and kept on walking, faster than before. And when the steps got closer, he walked even faster.

He was hearing voices suddenly. They surrounded him. They attacked his mind and ears, whispering and talking and yelling. 'What the fuck is happening?' Frank thought to himself, as his marching, without him noticing, turned into running.

And his chaser was running, too. Oh, how Frank was panicking now. Tears formed in his eyes, adrenaline washed over him, fogging his vision, and the fear of being caught encouraged his legs to move.

He could see the dimmed light beyond the alley, out on the open street, where he would feel somewhat safer.

That hope was smashed, though, when a pair of strong hands grabbed his shoulders from behind and slammed him against the brick wall. Frank let out a pained whimper, and was about to scream when one of the hands covered his mouth tightly.

"Shut the fuck up, or you won't get to see dawn, filthy human," a low voice hissed in his ear. He barely noticed that person's features, only caught a glimpse of his strict jaw and dark hair, and the pointy nose that matched the skinny shape of his face.

Tears were now leaking from Frank's eyes, streaming down his cheeks.

When the man took his hand off his mouth, he was careful not to scream, especially after feeling a sharp object poking his back slightly (had to be a knife).

"P-please don't hurt me," he pleaded in a whisper. "I-I'll give you whatever you want. I d-don't have much money but please just-"

"I said shut up," the man repeated, still quiet, but Frank could sense the anger in his voice. He swallowed and nodded weakly, feeling so hopeless, and it was starting to look like something worse than robbery. If the man didn't want his money, than what did he want from Frank? He decided to stay quiet and wait for the man to speak up again.

That was, at least, until he felt a pair of lips on the side of his neck. Frank braced himself harder against the wall and squeezed his eyes shut. 'This can't be happening,' he knew.

The chapped lips trailed over his neck, leaving this irritating scratchy feeling, but that would be the last thing to bother Frank right now. It was scary, and it made the boy a lot more nervous than he already was. He froze when the lips stopped, still on his skin, pressing right below his jaw, where the stranger explored a little and then sucked on the flesh.

'Oh shit. Oh shit oh shit no he's gonna rape me. No this isn't happening, please don't.'

Frank whimpered at the feeling of the man's lips on his neck, until suddenly a sharp sting went through his body, something that felt like two needles piercing him, and that's when he let out the chocked off sob that was stuck in his throat. It was definitely the scariest and most painful experience in his life.

The man sank his teeth deeper into Frank's neck, as he whimpered and cried and begged for him to stop. It was a nightmare, literally the worst feeling he could have felt. It was like the sharpest and slowest dagger in the world cutting into you and tearing you from inside, along with letting you taste your own blood while you're sinking into the darkness.

And the man didn't stop. The blood dripped onto Frank's shoulder, down his arm, and eventually created a red puddle on the ground.

It seemed to be lasting forever, a burning stinging torture that just wouldn't come to an end, until suddenly the other man froze.

Frank was too lost in his sobs to notice the figure that stood a few meters away from him and his attacker. He didn't notice the mop of black hair and the glittering hazel eyes that bored deadly holes into the man that sank his fangs into Frank.

"Michael! Get away from him RIGHT NOW!"

So... this is my first story published on Wattpad or anywhere else.

If you decide to read it I hope you enjoy and I really wish not to disappoint. I would very much like you to vote, comment, and see you in the next chapter.

P.S, English isn't my native language so please forgive me for any mistakes. Thank you!


(February 9th, 2017)

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