Chapter 18

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Frank walked down the aisles, looking at all the shelves in search for what Gerard and him needed.

He wandered through the groceries with a soft expression on his face, thinking of his amazing boyfriend. The man's face, his body, his features, his personality... it all seemed just perfect to Frank.

Simply because it wasn't perfect. He had so many imperfections along his skin, all the scars, the bruises, the stretch marks, his anxiety, the paleness of his body.

Frank loved it all, he could never get enough. Gerard was something he wouldn't give up for the world. He just couldn't.

And even though he knew he was in danger, with all the Michael incidents and that mysterious guy he didn't recognize, he felt safe with Gerard, and the man meant a lot to him...

Not to mention the fact that the noises he could make while being pleasured could haunt Frank's mind for days. The guy seemed so beautiful, so desperate. How was it possible for one man to just mesmerize you completely even when you're in charge?

And Gerard always seemed weaker in bed. Like you could do anything to him and he wouldn't resist, because he needed it so much, wanted it in every inch of his body.

Frank bit his lip slightly and blushed down at the floor, knowing what he's going to do with Gerard when he gets home.

He then mentally shook himself from his thoughts and looked up at the shelf he was in front, trying to focus on the types of sugar in sight.

Gerard always went for simple white sugar, so Frank settled for that... until he found out it was at the top shelf and was too high for him to reach.

Frank just sort of stood there for a short while, thinking about what to do, until a young man with a black hoodie and ripped jeans walked past him quietly.

The guy seemed tall enough, so Frank tapped his shoulder as he stood near him.

"Excuse me? Can you help me grab one of the-"

Frank made an obvious gasp as the guy looked up to meet his gaze. The dark green eyes that shifted into red once he was met with the younger's face caused Frank to just freeze on the spot, shocked and scared.

"Well, what a coincidence," Michael said bitterly, not even smirking or showing any kind of facial gesture.

The first thought that crossed Frank's mind was to run, but just as he was about to turn around and do so, the other man grabbed his hood and prevented his escape.

"No. Please, let me go, I just want to get back to Gerard," Frank pleaded desperately, knowing Michael wouldn't be happy if he dragged too much attention, so he spoke quietly.

"That's too bad then," the older man said coldly, "Because you and I need to talk."

"No. N-no, I don't wanna talk. Please just let me go. I didn't do anything to you," Frank continued on struggling, but Michael was stronger, and suddenly he yanked Frank closer by his hoodie and wrapped his arms around him.

"Don't worry. It won't take too long," he said quietly. "There's just something I need to do before you can go back to Gerard."

Frank whimpered, and struggled a little more, but Michael slapped him hard across the face and began dragging him towards the back door of the store, where nobody could see them leaving.


"Where the HELL is that kid?" Gerard asked out loud, but mainly to himself, as he tapped the counter with his nails frantically and stared at the clock, practically counting the seconds since Frank left the record store.

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