Chapter 35

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"You're so beautiful," Jonathan whispered, tucking some of Gerard's jet black raven hair behind his pale ear.

The elder blushed down at his shoes, his hands squeezing Jonathan's softly as he smiled shyly.

"Thank you," he said quietly.

The younger man grinned widely at how cute the other was, and slowly lifted his chin so he could meet his shining hazel eyes again, the eyes that stared at him in awe even though they've only known each other for a few days.

"T-this was my first date, you know. I'm not sure if I did good or..." The twenty-one-year-old said quietly, his pink cheeks darkening even more, and Jonathan smiled as he stepped closer, Gerard's hands still in his, and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

"Let me tell you right now," he whispered softly in his ear, feeling Gerard shiver against him. "I have dated so many people in the past. None of them was as cute, adorable, shy, blushy, clever, funny, beautiful and absolutely perfect as you are. I enjoyed every moment of our date and I hope to get to find everything there is to find out about you in the future. You're so special, Gerard."

Gerard gasped, both from Jonathan's words and the other man's heat as he stood so close to the older, at the corner of the open area of the restaurant they ate at.

"Y-you're special too," he whispered back, grinning into Jonathan's shoulder.

The balcony was completely empty except for them. It was pretty late, and December, so most people preferred to dine inside or go home and sit in their own heated houses.

But the two young men loved the cold. They loved to stand close to each other and warm up as the wind blew on their faces slightly.

And there, on that white wooden balcony, 11p.m., December night, the first notes of "My Immortal" by Evanescence beginning to play in the speakers on the wall, Gerard slowly looked up at Jonathan, their bodies pressed together and their noses just barely brushing, he gave a small shy smile which he didn't give to anyone ever before.

Jonathan smiled back widely, because as he said, Gerard WAS special, so different than any other person he dated in the past.

The older man looked like a princess, like a precious doll Jonathan needed to treasure and take care of.

He stared at the rosy shade that covered Gerard's cheeks, his thin glimmering pink lips, which he licked once in a while with his small tongue, his blown eyes that were so filled with adoration and colours. Anyone could get lost in them.

Jonathan rubbed his hands up and down Gerard's lower back, and pulled their chests together, and the other looked rapidly from his lips to his eyes, the two slowly leaning in, Gerard slightly anxious, although he'd kissed many people in the past.

No one has ever managed to get him this flustered and stuttery, no body has ever had this kind of effect on him.

But Jonathan did.

It was more than clear once their lips made contact, just simply pressing together.

Thousands of sparks flew up Gerard's body. It started from his toes to his legs and chest, and his head.

Everything felt on fire. The way Jonathan kissed him, their mouths sliding together so naturally, so passionately yet so gentle...

The sound of the song still playing in the background was blurrily heard by the two, and the moment got caught in their memory like a photograph.

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