Chapter 24

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Gerard was getting slightly better in the next few days.

Frank took care of him in every way he could. He fed him, helped him shower, held him when he was feeling dizzy or sick, gave him medicine, made him soup, let him sleep peacefully while the younger went to help out at the record store.

Gerard's main comfort during those days was that Jonathan hadn't showed up since the night he helped him. The older wasn't sure if that was a good sign or a bad sign, but what choice did he have besides waiting?

He partly managed to push Jonathan away from his mind while he wasn't feeling well. He mostly filled his time with thoughts of Frank, drawing, reading and sleeping.

He didn't get another hard-on, which was a relief. His body was too exhausted to experience an orgasm anytime soon. That would be too much for him.

So Frank and him didn't get much "action" for about a week. Not that it mattered much. Frank was happy to let his boyfriend rest.

Just as Michael predicted, his older brother's shitty immune system kept him fragile and tired for long, too damn long for the little brother's liking.

Gerard didn't quite know why his brother didn't take the opportunity and did something to him. In the elder's current state, anyone could just come over and kill him.

Why didn't nobody do it then? It's not like he wanted to die, he wanted to stay with Frank, he was just... curious. And worried.

Bob had been coming over from time to time, to check on Gerard and get him some more pills. He allowed Frank to take some records from the store and let Gerard listen to them, which made the older feel slightly better about his helpless state.

The couple were concerned that whatever Gerard had might've been contagious, so they avoided kissing and sleeping pressed up against each other, which really disappointed them both, because Gerard missed the feeling of the younger's lips on his very much, and Frank missed the sweet tastes that went in his mouth as the other's tongue explored him.

Too bad, they didn't have a choice. They had to cope with short hugs and talking and Frank sleeping on the couch.

Not that he minded. He would sleep on the couch until Gerard got better, or else he would get sick too and the older will have to take care of him. And neither men wanted that to happen.

So they dealt with the current situation and waited for Gerard to heal up.

And as for Jonathan, he managed to catch a few "glances" at the elder during those long days, giving more and more information to Michael, watching his past boyfriend as he slept peacefully.

In Jonathan's eyes, Gerard was the most beautiful creature on planet Earth. No one could compare to his body, his personality, the way he reacted during sex...

The younger bit his lip every time he thought about it. Oh, the sounds the older could make while being fucked. He almost felt bad for Frank for not getting to hear those sounds. The little twink bottomed for him just like all the others have. Jonathan had always been and will always be his only top, the only one that could control him and restrain him, make him his.

He knew what Gerard wanted and he knew how Gerard wanted it, and he was more than happy to give it as long as he got to hold the other in his arms.

At least, he told himself, Michael had the plan. The plan was perfect for Jonathan. All him and the young man had to do was wait for Gerard to get better.

Everyone depended on it. The world has taken a break from everything, expressing it through Gerard feeling ill. For a little over a week, the elder lost his power, his energy, his will to fight, every tool he needed to stand a chance against his brother or his ex-lover.

And no one did a single thing about it, because everyone was waiting.

Just... wait.

And it'll all work out. 

Short filler, just wanted to let you catch up.

Hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you in the next chapter!


(March 24th, 2017)

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