Chapter 3

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"So where are we going?" Frank asked as the two sat inside Gerard's car, driving through the clouded streets. It was about to rain soon, but for now, the weather seemed calm enough.

It was a late morning hour. During small glances at the man sitting in the driver's seat, Frank started wondering about a few things. Nothing important, just some doubts and passing thoughts.

"Starbucks," Gerard simply replied.
"But we only drank your coffee 2 hours ago." Frank raised an eyebrow.

"Well that was just to wake you up. I'm taking you to Starbucks for some real coffee. You deserve that for almost getting killed yesterday."

Frank nodded quietly and turned to look out of the window like he had done in the last 10 minutes of their car ride.

"Do you like coffee?"

"I BREATHE coffee, Frank," Gerard said casually, but the words made the boy chuckle. Gerard thought it was cute, but didn't say a thing about it. He couldn't even remember the last time he found anything cute, so that was more than new to him.

Somewhere in his mind, he was starting to have hopes that besides this whole "protecting" thing, him and Frank could actually get along.

"Well, that's nice to know," Frank said, the smile still on his face.

After few minutes of silence and playing with the scarf Gerard gave him to cover the bite mark, along with the questions that didn't stop going through Frank's mind, he decided to try and get at least a bit of information about Gerard, since they pretty much lived together now.

How much would Gerard let him find out on their first day of knowing each other? He had no idea. But no one said he couldn't at least try.

"So... I thought about something," he said, slightly wondering how he is going to put it out. Gerard raised an eyebrow under his sunglasses to let Frank know he was listening. "You're a vampire..." he paused for a second, a bit unsure how to continue this question.

"Well that's an interesting observation. I didn't think you'd be smart enough to realize it," Gerard said with a smirk, his eyes still on the road.

"That's not what I meant, jerk," Frank rolled his eyes playfully. "I mean like, you're a vampire... and it's daylight, then..."

"Ugh. Please don't tell me you believe in that bullshit," Gerard groaned. Frank gave him a confused look. "Vampires don't melt in the sun. Okay? We don't bite... anymore, we don't shapeshift, we don't live forever, we don't wear capes, and we can definitely get killed in other ways then heart staking. I've heard it all, believe me, and none of that is true."

"Oh," Frank said quietly. He didn't mean to upset Gerard, he was just curious.

"Shit, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap. You can ask questions if you want, it won't happen again," Gerard tried to lighten the mood. Frank let out a quiet sigh of relief. The last thing he wanted was for Gerard to get angry.

"Okay. So... what's your favorite kind of coffee?" He asked, still a bit unsure, but at least he felt safer to talk.

"Hazelnut Latte," Gerard replied, a small smile appearing on his face at the thought of his favorite beverage in the world. Frank chuckled.

"Mine too," he beamed. "I guess we have something in common already."

"Well, the fact I'm protecting you from vampires doesn't mean we shouldn't get along," Gerard said as they pulled up outside Starbucks and undid their seat belts before stepping out of the car.

"I think we're getting along pretty well so far," Frank said honestly.

"Me too," Gerard gave him a simple smile, and they walked into the store.

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