Chapter 29

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Frank slowly blinked his eyes open, trying to catch up with where he was, as he was hearing quiet noises coming from above him.

When he pulled his face away from the neck it was buried in and looked up at the older man, he saw Gerard tilting his head in different directions, as if trying to look away from something, his expression helpless, as he let out small whimpers and mumbles of "no, no, no".

Frank realized he must have been having a nightmare, but he wasn't sure what he should do about it.

Gerard kept squirming slightly below him, his legs attempting to pull together, being blocked by the younger still lying between them, which only made him whimper more.

Frank's eyebrows furrowed tiredly. He was beginning to get worried now.

Gently, he ran his hands through Gerard's dark-as-night hair, and shifted so their faces were lined, leaning down to attach his lips to the other's, slowly and softly.

The elder whined in discomfort, trying to wriggle away, but Frank held him there, kissing him slightly harder, wanting to make his fears go away.

"Shh, shh, I'm here, I'm here baby," the young man whispered against his lips, his tattooed hands stroking Gerard's hair in soothing motions.

He felt the other start to relax underneath him. After a while, the whimpering stopped, which was a relief to Frank, as he continued to kiss him calmly, and when Gerard was sleeping peacefully once again, he pulled away and climbed off of him.

He didn't really know why he thought of kissing Gerard as a way to calm him down. Sure, it worked, but kissing the older man just felt off at the moment. Frank was still overwhelmed by last night.

He stretched his arms calmly, shaking sleep off of him and rubbing his eyes, before deciding to take a shower, both to relax his body and to wash off Gerard's cum, which was now sticky and slightly itchy on his stomach, and there was even a bit on his chest.

He slowly grabbed a towel, blinking in exhaustion, and right as he stood up and was about to walk into the bathroom, a quiet voice came behind him.

"Taking a shower?"

Frank turned his head around, still standing with his back to Gerard, and nodded slightly at the older man, who was now laying on his side with the blanket around his waist downwards, just like last night.

"Can I join you?" Gerard asked weakly, trying to give a hopeful smile and failing.

"Actually, I'd rather have some time to think. Maybe next time," Frank replied softly, his lips half twitching upwards.

The elder nodded, his expression visibly falling, and Frank kept on walking towards the bathroom, sighing silently.

And as he stood under the stream of hot steamy water, he thought only about Gerard. And not the good kind of thoughts. He didn't know why those bothering images kept running around in his head so much, about the things he might've been doing when Frank isn't there with him. The younger didn't want to have them on his mind. He just wanted to trust Gerard, to be able to care for him and kiss him without feeling awkward and sort of cold.

Why couldn't he just be with his Gerard?

He looked down at the floor, running a shaky hand through his soaked hair and letting out a quiet noise of hopelessness.

After a few more minutes of washing himself, brushing his teeth, drying off and thinking, he stepped out of the bathroom, a towel around his waist. Gerard was sat on the bed now, already in boxers, a pair of sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt.

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