Chapter 19

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"Let's go get you home, Gerard. The storm is over," Bob said as he went over to the broken man on the chair in the corner, where Frank always sat when he tried out the new guitars in the store.

Gerard sniffled and looked up at him slowly.

"But what about-"

"Livvie called. She found him, and he's okay."

In a blink of an eye, the older was up on his feet, ready to bolt out of the record store and head home.

"Is she bringing him to my house?" He asked. Bob nodded with a small smile, and the two went out of the store, following the other customers as everyone exited the place, glad to finally be able to get out into the open street.

It still rained heavily, but the snow stopped falling and left a fairly thick layer that still covered the surface. At least the roads were available again and everyone could head home now.

It was nearly 11p.m., everybody wanted to go and get some good sleep, but all Gerard had on his mind was seeing Frank again and making sure the boy was okay.

They got into Bob's car, Gerard squirming in the passenger seat and tapping his fingers impatiently like he'd done for the past seven hours and a half.

Once they pulled up near Gerard's flat, the older opened the door and quickly unlocked the front door.

"Are you okay?" Bob asked as he stood beside him.

"Yeah. I just wanna be in here when Frank and Livvie arrive," Gerard replied quickly as he swung the door open and stepped inside, immediately turning up the heat to get the house to warm up.

"Okay. I'll go make some tea."

Gerard stopped in his tracks and raised an eyebrow at the bearded man.


"Yeah," Bob shrugged, "I told Frank to go buy milk, but I don't assume he's going to bring some since he..."

"What?" Gerard asked suspiciously. The other man didn't answer, so Gerard kept pressing. "Bob, what happened to my Frank?"

"Well, he... he ran into Michael. At least, that's what Livvie told me," the bearded replied, and watched as Gerard's face shifted into pure anger. He even growled lowly as he thought about his brother laying a hand on Frank again.

"And what did he do to him?" He asked quietly.

"He bit him. Not for too long, so there isn't much damage. Also Livvie gave him anti-venom, therefor he will be fine."

Gerard let out a small sigh of relief and looked down at the kitchen table.

"Well, can you thank Livvie for me?" He asked. Bob nodded with a small smile, and just like that, the front door creaked open, and Gerard's head snapped up.

He could hear the two familiar voices filling the house, and quickly ran past Bob, out of the kitchen, to where he was immediately met with Frank's small figure standing there, staring at him longingly.

"Frankie," Gerard gasped, and before anyone could say anything, he was taking the boy's face in his hands and kissing him breathless.

Frank closed his eyes as he kissed back and slowly wrapped his arms around Gerard's waist.

"Oh god Frank, you're okay," Gerard sobbed against the younger man's lips. "Fuck, I was so worried."

He pulled away and smoothed down Frank's snow-covered hair, stroking the boy's face to warm it up.

"Gerard, I-" Frank began, but the older just kissed him again.

"Mmh," he moaned into the younger's mouth, and pulled away only slightly, his eyes still shut. "Missed. You. So. So. So. So. So. Much," he said, emphasizing each word with a peck on the boy's lips.

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