Chapter 38

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That's it.

Gerard needed to get out of his fucking apartment.

He'd been stuck there, in his cold misery, for nearly three weeks now, sobbing and pitying himself, barely eating or sleeping or walking.

He needed to go out, get some sunlight, see the outside world, communicate.

And as much as he wanted to just crawl into a dark pit and die, he knew he would have to face the outdoors at some point.

And maybe if he's lucky, he'll get ran over by a car, or murdered by Michael, or go through a dark alley and get stabbed after an unsuccessful attempted robbery.

Okay, maybe not the latter. He couldn't bear the thought of walking through another alley in his life. Alleys have brought too much shit into his life so far, he certainly didn't need more of it.

So eventually, he decided to do the reasonable thing, and head to Starbucks, to get some of the much, much, much needed coffee break.

Yes. Coffee is good. Coffee always made him forget. He needed coffee.


"That's it."

Frank looked up from his cellphone, where he'd been scrolling through images of dogs aimlessly and sniffling every once in a while, to meet the blonde girl who stood in front of his bed, her hands on her hips as she stared at him firmly.

When she had his attention, she continued.

"You've been lying here doing nothing but pitying yourself for almost three weeks now. You sir, need a change."

Frank raised an eyebrow at her, not moving or putting his phone aside.

She sighed.

"Look, I was thinking we could go out to town or something, you know, do something fun. Even just drinking coffee would be nice."

Frank considered it for a few seconds, his eyebrows furrowing slightly as he stared into space.

Kelly watched him patiently as he took his time thinking of just one simple answer, and when it didn't come, she decided to tell him about the other thing she had planned.

"Also, I thought it would be nice if you got a haircut."

Frank's face lit up with interest. He looked up at her with slightly wide eyes.

"A haircut?"

"Yeah," she shrugged, hands still on her hips, "You know, you need something different in your life. You can't stay stuck here all day crying."

"I wasn't cryi-"

"Frank, I'm not stupid. I'm sleeping in the next room, remember? I can hear it when someone is sobbing their heart out. Come on, it'll do you some good. You'll see."

She reached a hand out to him. He only thought of it for short moments before sighing and taking her hand, standing up in front of his friend.

Kelly's face showed concern when he stared down at the floor, his lower lip still quivering slightly at the amounts of crying that had been going on in his life lately.

"Frank..." she said quietly, and he turned his head away.

She took a deep breath and pulled him into her arms, an action they were both very familiar with by now.

Frank melted into the touch, wrapping his arms around her curvy body, having the exact same thought as he always had.

It felt nice to hug a girl, girls are soft and warm. But it didn't come any close to the feeling of hugging a guy. Guys were firmer, thicker, and they were usually bigger than Frank.

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