Chapter 42

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Gerard opened his eyes, groaning silently and putting a hand on his forehead.

He faintly remembered anything from last night. He remembered wanting to kill himself, he remembered trying, he remembered Jonathan...

The rest was a bit of a blur. Did he enter his vampire mode? Probably. He usually felt this sort of hangover after being in that extreme state.

He remembered lips on his own. No, wait. He remembered putting his lips on someone else's. Then there was this great feeling, of the electric contact he hadn't gotten in weeks, the fullness. Someone there with him, someone on his skin, someone touching him.

Which must mean that...

He turned around slowly, from where he was lying on his side facing the wall, and was instantly met with the sleeping man beside him, the sheets covering up to his waist, leaving his muscular bare torso exposed for Gerard to see.

The older groaned again. If he'd expected to feel relieved in a way after what he made Jonathan do, or happy, he was very wrong.

Especially when he shifted on the bed and felt the stinging pain shooting from his ass, causing him to hiss quietly and look over at Jonathan as he leaned against the headboard, trying to catch his own breath.

He felt stirring beside him, small noises and shuffling. Gerard closed his eyes with a sigh when he saw Jonathan moving a bit more and then opening his eyes.

Gerard stayed seated against the headboard, coldly playing with the blanket in his fingers, as both of their lower halves were still covered.

At first Jonathan only stared at the man, who didn't even bother looking back at him, simply staring down at his own lap seeming exhausted.

"Are you okay?" He croaked out, and Gerard nodded.

"Yeah," he replied.

Jonathan kept staring at him. Gerard's features didn't really show anything, any kind of emotion, not even regret or anger. But he remembered last night, Jonathan could tell.

He didn't take his eyes off of the man as he shifted carefully and imitated Gerard's position against the headboard. He looked at the older man, and slowly reached to push a strand of hair off of his shoulder.

Gerard sighed, leaning a bit into the touch as Jonathan's fingers skimmed up from his shoulder to his cheek, caressing it and drawing small circles with his thumb.

The older turned his head to look at him. Jonathan was closer now, but he still wasn't sure what to do. At that point Gerard really hoped that the younger wasn't scared of him.

So to assure them both, Gerard leaned in and pressed a sweet kiss to Jonathan's lips, taking the hand that was on his cheek and squeezing it gently.

Jonathan made a relieved moan, kissing back yet keeping it tender, as Gerard was starting to press a little more into it before pulling away slowly.

Without a word, he stood up, ignoring the ache in his bottom, and went to put on a pair of boxers and an over-sized t-shirt, aware of the eyes that stared after his every move.

He didn't mind. He didn't mind when he had to bend down and pick the shirt up, giving Jonathan full view on his ass. It's not like he was teasing the younger, he just didn't care.

Later he went to the bathroom to start his morning routine, not hearing the other make any moves of getting up, so he simply brushed his teeth and then went to the kitchen to start the coffee machine.

He glanced at the radio. Should he? After yesterday's events, when the radio was almost the cause of his death, saying he was scared shitless would be an understatement.

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