Chapter 28

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Frank was laying on the bed with his eyes open slightly.

He couldn't fall asleep after the sex they had about an hour ago. He didn't even feel tired after his orgasm, which followed Gerard's shortly.

Something was bothering him. Something was poking at the back of his mind, preventing him from relaxing.

Gerard had been so confusing lately. The man could disappear in the middle of the night, come back looking like he'd just fought ghosts, and then pretend like everything was fine when Frank asked him about it.

He'd been keeping secrets. Too many of them, or maybe it was just a really big one, one that put him in danger...

The thought of Gerard not being safe, whether he admitted it to Frank or not, made the younger's lower lip tremble a little with sadness and dread.

He slowly looked up at his sleeping boyfriend, who laid on his side facing the younger. Frank blinked his tears away and reached a shaky hand to cup Gerard's cheek. He gently skimmed his fingers over the soft skin of his face, brushing his forehead slowly, and nose, rubbing his thumb across the other's lower lip.

Frank wanted to know what was wrong. He knew he wouldn't be able to ignore these things forever. He managed to catch a glimpse of the many bruises Gerard had on his torso as they kissed. The bruises were fresh, meaning he got them while he was out.

Who was he seeing? Why did they hurt him?

Maybe it was Michael, Frank thought. The younger brother was the only person he knew that could've done this to him.

But then, what about... the other man?

That man. The one he didn't recognize, the one that raped Gerard, the one who was kissing with him outside their house. Who was he? Should Frank even ask?

He didn't know. He didn't know a thing. Gerard was hiding a lot more than he was letting on. So much more. The young man could just see it in his eyes.

And they've been together for a while now. Didn't he have the right to know?

Perhaps Gerard was just trying to protect him. If he was in the middle of something extremely dangerous that put them in a risk, he probably wouldn't want Frank to know, so the boy won't get scared...

Or he was cheating.

What? No. Gerard wouldn't cheat. He just wouldn't. Frank had trust in the older man, he knew that Gerard cared for him, or else he wouldn't still let Frank sleep in his house.

But what about all the things that had been happening? Gerard used sex as a distraction every time he looked troubled and Frank got too curious, he was acting strong and one second later he would break down. Not to mention, he just came home looking more broken than usual, practically begged Frank to fuck him, and when he came, he screamed someone else's name.

What the hell was going on? What did it all mean? What was he hiding and what was he lying about?

Frank felt his fingers pressing harder into Gerard's cheek, and the man stirred a little in his sleep.

The younger slowly pulled his hand away, a cold expression on his face. He needed time to think, he needed to clear his head for a bit.

So he slowly got up from the bed, slipping on a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and a black hoodie. After putting on his shoes, he grabbed some money Bob gave him for helping out in the store so often and headed out, shutting the door softly behind him to not wake Gerard.

He began walking. Not really paying attention to where he was going. He just wanted to feel the cool air covering his skin as gentle blows of wind hit his blank face.

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