Chapter 4

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Gerard was sitting in front of his desk drawing.

From time to time he would take a quick glance at the sleeping figure on his bed. Frank was too deep asleep to notice Gerard slipping out of bed after failed attempts of falling asleep.

So he just sat at his desk, opened his sketch book in the page where he started a meadow and kept drawing.

Frankly, he couldn't fall asleep because of that feeling. That feeling that bugged him so much and just wouldn't go away.

He knew what it was, and he knew it very well. That irritating sting in his head, telling him that Michael was close.

'Of course,' he knew, 'of course he wasn't just looking for a random human to bite. He wanted me to get into this mess because he knew I would. Shit. Until I finally got rid of him, he just wouldn't let me go. Why couldn't he just forget?'

Gerard sighed quietly to himself and kept moving the colorful pencil around on the paper, adding more curves and shades into the picture.

But his mind kept getting distracted by his brother. Dammit, the stinging only got stronger and stronger as the minutes passed. If Michael wanted to fucking talk, why couldn't he just man up and get it over with?

The pain grew worse suddenly, causing Gerard to bang his head on the desk, maybe too loudly, but still not enough to wake Frank.

And then it was gone. The pain was gone, the irritation was gone, and all that was left was the soft brush of wind coming from the open window.

Gerard slowly raised his head, and decided he had had enough of this. He should just go to sleep and try not to think about Michael for once.

But just as he went to close the small window, a piece of paper caught his attention. It was rested on the windowsill peacefully, and Gerard took it with a hesitant hand.

Meet me at 2a.m. in the alley.

Gerard didn't even need a moment to wonder who this note was from. The answer was clear in his mind, and he knew he had to go.

He looked at his small watch, the one he left on the nightstand before he went to bed. 1:49. He still had some time. The alley wasn't too far away.

He put on his shoes and jacket, and suddenly turned his attention to his bed. Slowly, he went to the boy, who was tucked up under the covers, finding comfort in their heat.

The boy was a quiet sleeper. He didn't snort or make other noises. He seemed peaceful.

His face was glowing in the moonlight, and Gerard was more than a little stunned to see how it curved each of his featured perfectly.

Before he knew it, he reached forward, and gently moved a strand of hair out of Frank's face. The younger pressed a little into the touch, and Gerard smiled softly at the image before leaving the room and getting out of the house, making sure to lock the door behind him. Who knows what could happen to Frank?


Gerard stood in the dark alley, leaning against the grey brick wall and breathing in the winter night. The cold didn't bother him at all. What he was worried about was the upcoming meeting with his brother.

Not that Gerard was scared of him. No, he wasn't afraid of Michael. It was just the possibilities of what the man might do that hung in his mind. The younger man had gone crazy and gained so much power since...

Gerard shook his head. No. He couldn't let THIS get back into his mind. He couldn't, and never will. It was too much.

And then, he heard the sound of wings. It hurt him, because there was only one person these wings could belong to, and that person knew exactly what it did to Gerard.

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