Chapter 43

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"Frank? Frankie, I don't think I can do this anymore."

Frank looked up from his phone, at the girl who stood next to his bed, looking down at her clasped hands as she waited for him to reply.

"What do you mean?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

She looked at him, a certain sort of surprise clear on her face.

"Frank, you know what I mean. You've been devoting hurtful songs to your ex every single day for almost three weeks now."


"And? Frankie, it's not good for you. Are you going to go on with this forever? You gotta move on."

At first he stared at her, in her eyes, her gaze a little impatient and her lips pursed in a small pout.

Eventually he spoke up.


"Frank, don't act stupid," she spat, "You can't do this to him. He'd hurt you, I get it. But it's time for you to realize that it's over. You don't know if he's even listening to the radio!"

"He does that every fucking day!" Frank said, sitting up straight in his bed. "Of course he heard the songs."

"Then it's time for you to stop it," Kelly reasoned. "I think he learned his lesson. Stop torturing him!"

"He deserves a fucking torture!"

They were both speaking loudly at this point, louder than they ever had with each other.

"Frank, no, you can't do this to him. If the guy doesn't want you-"

"He fucking does! Gerard fucking loved me! He kissed me, and he fucked me, and he held me when I had nowhere else to go! WE. WERE. A COUPLE!"

"I had a girlfriend, too! I was in a relationship just like you and we broke up! The only difference is that I moved on! I'm not seeking revenge just because I thought what we had was special! She broke my heart but I forgave her! WHY CAN'T YOU DO THE SAME?"

"I don't want to do the same, Kelly! I want it to burn! I want him to know exactly how I feel!"

"You let him know how you feel for THREE FUCKING WEEKS! You can't keep using me and my job like that just to insult someone!"

"I'm not using you!"

"Then why do I feel like your bitch?!"

"I don't fucking know! Stop yelling at me, for fuck's sake!"

"No, Frank, I won't! I'm done doing what you want me to do! I wanted to help you, but you keep being so fucking selfish!"

"I just need him to feel some of the pain I felt!"



All that was left of their conversation was the harsh panting of them both, as Kelly tucked a strand of messy hair behind her red ear along with an angry huff.

Frank stared at her with shock in his eyes, taking in what she just said, seeing every feature in her furious expression.

This was a new side of Kelly he'd never seen before. He didn't like it, it scared him, it saddened him. He wanted it to go away.

"You're... you're pained?" He whispered. She raised dark eyes at him.

"Of course I fucking am," she replied quietly, slowly wrapping her arms around herself. "You keep being distant. You keep ignoring the things I say. All you can think about is your ex boyfriend. You won't let me do my job because I have to hurt him every single day for your sake and causes. I'm supposed to make people happy, Frank. I'm not supposed to make them cry. But you keep hurting him, yourself, and me. How long do you think you can keep this up? How long will you keep using me? It's not only HIS torture anymore. It's yours. And it's my torture too, because I want my best friend back. We didn't meet under happy circumstances, we aren't happy people, we were heartbroken and we still are. But we're supposed to bring each other up from our own ashes, and the only thing you're doing so far is destroy everything. It's like you can't even think by yourself anymore. You're blinded by those pathetic wills and false hopes that things will just work out by themselves. So I'm telling you right now, they won't. You need to stop, Frank. You need to stop before something really bad happens. You don't know where this is all going to lead. I want you to act like a human being again, start thinking about other things instead of yourself and your puny revenge. Because revenge isn't going to take you anywhere. And honestly, it's starting to wear me out beyond what I'm capable of taking."

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