Chapter 21

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"Oh god! Uh! No, stop!" Gerard giggled as he sprinted into the bedroom, running away from his boyfriend. He had accidentally striked a mug of coffee off of the counter, almost having it falling and breaking, before the other man caught it and gave him a playful warning look.

Before he could say something to Gerard, the older was already escaping the kitchen, knowing he got in "trouble" for his mistake, and started laughing hard imagining what his boyfriend would do to him once he had him in his arms.

"Come back here, you little sneaky bastard!" The younger called playfully as he entered the bedroom after him.

Gerard tried to run into the bathroom before the other reached him, swiftly opening the door and stepping in, when suddenly two hands were grabbing his shoulders and he was pulled back into a warm familiar chest, being hugged tightly.

He laughed uncontrollably, squirming at the lips that pressed quick kisses along his neck and ear.

Then he was gently thrown on the bed. By now he knew there was no point in trying to escape, because the other man already had him where he wanted him. Yet he shuffled clumsily to the headboard and flipped over so he was lying on his back, and watched as the boy crawled over to him.

"Just wait 'till I get you baby," he licked his lips devilishly. Gerard smiled, and squealed when suddenly the man was above him, straddling his waist and bounding his wrists above his head. That's when he burst in another fit of laughter, fighting against the body restraining him.

"No! Let go! You're not getting me anytime soon, fucker!" He exclaimed as he tried to wriggle from underneath his boyfriend.

"Oh, I will. You were a very bad boy, honey," the young man said calmly as he held Gerard's wrists tighter and reached for the nightstand. "Spilling my coffee..." he continued, the older man still trying to squirm out of his grip a little with that huge smile plastered on his face. "Running away... trying to avoid punishment... you know better than that, honey. We both know you do."

Finally, Gerard stilled underneath him, only shaking with silent laughter as he stared up at the man above him with clear awe.

The younger raised an eyebrow at him.

"You do know better than that, right?"

Gerard nodded eagerly. "I do. I'm sorry."

The young man smirked down at the elder as he grabbed the pair of handcuffs he had reserved especially for his boyfriend.

Gerard's breath hitched slightly with excitement as his hands were slowly cuffed to the headboard, and a warm pair of lips skimmed over his neck.

"Your apology will be accepted after I give you your punishment baby," the younger's voice whispered in his ear, sending a thousand shivers coursing up and down the other man's spine, and he let out an uncontrollable moan.

The younger smirked as he ran his hands down Gerard's sides, slipping his cool fingers under the hem of his over-sized t-shirt, and touched his ribs.

The older man gasped and froze completely, giving in under the fear and anticipation that surrounded him.

"Tell me what you want baby," the familiar voice was whispering in his ear, slow and confident, raspy yet clear.

Gerard was panting at this point, rocking his hips only so slightly to get the little bit of friction on the growing erection in his boxers.

Once he found it in himself to speak up, his answer already clear in his head, he closed his eyes and breathed out in a low desperate whisper.

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