Chapter 20

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Gerard opened his eyes. He blinked away the sleep and shook himself slightly to focus on his surrounding.

When he did, he found out he was sprawled on his bed, in his room, sticky and fogged by the horrible stench of dried sweat.

That's when yesterday started to come back, bit by bit. He steadily began to remember stuff. Jonathan, Bob, the storm, Livvie, being mad at Michael, and...

He slowly turned his head, still in the same position he fell asleep in, frowning slightly as he caught a glimpse of the peaceful face beside him.


Gerard stared at the boy. The younger man was lying on his side, breathing quietly, his eyes shut softly, his hands supporting his head, as he was still deep in sleep.

Gerard grinned a little at the sight of his boyfriend, and his mind was immediately filled with affection and thoughts of how beautiful the other man was.

He remembered everything by now, every single moment of last night. When he glanced down at their lower bodies, which were covered by the white blanket, he managed to notice that none of them was wearing any clothes. They were still naked.

His face turned thoughtful as he tried to remember why they couldn't put their clothes back on before they fell asleep, or why they didn't at least clean up from the cum that pooled around their lower bodies.

Then he remembered. The two men had passed out after their intense orgasms. He remembered himself crying Frank's name as the amazing surge coursed through his entire body, sending him to heaven.

He made love to Frank yesterday. Last night was the night they fully devoted themselves to one another, when they smashed the last wall and showed each other how much their relationship actually meant to them.

Gerard momentarily wondered if it wasn't too early for them to have sex. But he didn't care. They knew each other well enough and trusted each other. They didn't need to drag it on forever. What they needed was love. Love, and appreciation, and devotion, and sincerity, and trust.

And Gerard had it all with Frank, just like the younger did with him.

He reached up and smoothed his fingers down Frank's face, skimming over his forehead and cheek and jaw and chin.

Frank skin was so soft... like stroking a feather. And it was softer than Gerard's. His body was better than the elder's. Gerard knew that. Everything about the younger man was so perfect. The vampire was stunned by just how much he was falling for Frank. How he would die to simply be able to hold the man forever, embrace him, treasure him, love him.

He wanted it all with Frank. But first he had to handle the problems around him. And then, he knew, he would have the boy. They could continue on with their relationship, go on dates, kiss, have a lot of sex... Gerard just couldn't wait for that to happen.

As he was busy thinking about his future with Frank, the other was suddenly stirring slightly and blinking his eyes open.

Their gazes immediately met. At first Frank simply stared into Gerard's eyes sort of blankly, but when a huge smile spread across his face, the older knew what he was thinking about.

"Morning, beautiful," he whispered happily.

"Hey," Gerard croaked out sleepily, and the two leaned in for a slow close-mouthed kiss.

"Last night was amazing," Frank said quietly against Gerard's lips.

"It was perfect," Gerard smiled and deepened the kiss.

The younger moaned. He parted his lips when the other's tongue asked for entrance, and slowly Gerard began to shuffle closer.

The kiss slowly heated up, as the elder wrapped his arms around Frank's waist, and the younger man put his hands at the back of his head.

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