Chapter 4: Meet the secret psycho killer and the innocent martyr

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Later at the abandoned construction site, the ghost was finding Kim while she was hiding and sitting to the construction room. She got pale and tired.

...I don't know why I'm doin' this. But my conscience whispered this to me to go here. I'll ask myself, am I crazy right now?

Suddenly, the ghost passes the wall and found her. His face apparently closes to Kim's face. Abruptly, their lips are nearing to touch. He wants to kiss her but Kim avoid his creepy pale lips.

"Kwaah ...! 😭" Kim felt abominable

Kim frightened and run around inside the huge construction room. The ghost groans again, he needs to say something. While running, the ghost can't stop chasing and floating. Until Kim had a wrong step and stumbled down. And then she bumped on the leaned thick metal sticks.

Those thick metal sticks fell off but the ghost hugs her and he got hit by those stick. Kim never hurt and shocked. So they looked each other, having an eye contact.

"...Why did you..." Kim wants to continue to speak but...

The ghost kissed her lips.

Then the scenery changed which is the throwback of the ghost...

He takes her from the past where the ghost dies for.

Kim got curious about the ghost's disappearance.

...Wait this is my room...

The Hunk Man is the ghost's past life when he was alive. He's renting the room no. 6. (Where Kim current lives). Then his appearance made her attracted. Therefore, she had no idea at the beginning.

(10:01 p.m. When he opens the door)

Sexy woman: Hey babe.

Hunk Man: Hi-- wait why you're here, Fiancé?

Fiancé (Sexy woman): Are you ready for *muah*

...Fiancé's body was same as mine; Big boobs and ass -_-💧. Her hair color is white. It makes her old woman... *pweh*... She's wearing spaghetti and mini skirt? -Wew, r u G.R.O.?

Hunk Man: Uh... You're drunk again, Babe. Well... Okay. Let's do it.

Then Fiancé enters and he closed the door.

Fiancé: Good evening, Gino *hugs him*

Gino (Hunk Man): Late reaction again?

Fiancé: So what?

Gino: Never mind, just wait here.

And then, he went to the bathroom to finish his work. He's cleaning it. Meanwhile, Kim was standing and watching them carefully.

Especially, Kim watches Fiancé. Suddenly, Fiancé saw Gino's cellphone and she tries to unlock the password. Then she found something on the text.

(Let me kiss you tonight, Gino :* <3 -9:45 p.m.)

Fiance never widen her eyes or neither doubt. When Gino goes out the room, he's shirtless.

Fiancé: Who's this?!

Gino: It's just you. You text me while ago before you came here.

Fiancé: I didn't text you. Who is she?!

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