Chapter 17 (Part II): Case #5 "The Nude"

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The sobbing noise was came from the bathroom. Kim and Kenji walking through the bathroom door and opened it. Until Kim saw Raven's ghost sobbing.

"*Cover her eyes* Oh not this again?!" Kim said

(The ghost was naked and this situation was same as Gino)

Kenji got curious from her movement again. Therefore, Kim asked Raven.

"*blushing* H-how are you, why you're weeping tonight?" She asked


Kenji heard his groan but he can't see him. He became nervous again.

Kim said, "Well, I'll summon our translator. Ghost, I summoned you! 😁"

"😕 (She's getting crazy again. Ahh, she forgot to eat meal and dinner either. Okay here I go.)" Gino thought

"Gino is our translator tonight?" Kenji asked

"No. It's other friend ghost." Kim lied

And then, he gets his notebook and pen from Kim's bag. She used her being wise to prove that Gino not there tonight. So he asked Raven to answer to translate by writing.

(Before he died, he mate from the woman named Finn. But she stabs him with a knife on his bathtub afterwards.) Gino translated

Kenji surprised but he still asked, "Who's finn? -Tell me about her full name!"

(He won't know but he can remember her face; her hair was like short and blue. They met at the bar and he took her from his home. They're drunk until they mate while bathing)

"Eew... Not again?" Kim said

(He died many days ago, she hid his body under this bathtub)

Kenji shocked, "It means you're buried under this bathtub?!"

Kenji rushes outside to get the hammer. After he took it, they pushed the bathtub. Then he smashes the hammer the floor.


They found Raven's corpse.

(His body was too decayed like his ghost's appearance. It happened one month ago. He's been murdered by Fiancé...)


The foul smell odor made them dizzy. But they used masks. Kenji called his team to go there immediately. So his team responds instead.

Later at 10:31 p.m. Kenji's team arrived.

"Sir, what happened here?" Jin asked while drowsy

"We recovered Raven's corpse." Kenji replied and asked, "Wait where's my partner (Jansen)?"

"Maybe he's busy with her wife tonight ahe-he-he *snores while standing* 😴" Jin said

"Kenji?" Kim said

"What is it?" Kenji asked

"Did you forgot to feed your dog?" She asked

"Who's that dog you have talking about?" Kenji got curious

"I am..." Kim collapses because of hunger

Gino and Kenji gone worried. So Kenji commands his team to put Raven's corpse to the cadaver bag. And then they will take the victim's corpse to the morgue.

While he will take Kim to the café nearby. Unfortunately, the other cafés are closed but they saw another one. Unfortunately, it's nearing to be close.

Kenji rushed out on his car to order some food. However, the vendor refused him to take orders. While inside the café, Gino get inside and stole many cooked sushi and water.

Gino laugh while lifting the food, "(He-he-he thanks for this ability to be invincible than ordinary and living person)"

Kenji didn't insist to take order. So he goes back to the car and disappointed. Besides, he saw Kim awaken and eating something inside his car.

When Kenji goes in, he's shocked for what he had seen. Kim was eating the a lot of sushi. So he felt starving too. He tries to eat sushi too until they're both full.

"You're too late, my friendly ghost helped me to get a food." Kim said

"Who's your friendly ghost translator tonight?" Kenji asked

"It's Shikazu. He volunteered us for ghost's translation." Kim lied

"You're really a necromancer." Kenji believed now

"Do you know what? -I have many friendly ghost who helped me by through translations from their fellow ghosts!" Kim lied boastfully

"If they helped you, how could you pay them? -By justice or what?" Kenji asked a wonderful question

"😨 Uh, they already accepted their selves as a ghost. They are satisfied!" Kim lied and change the topic, "Thank you because you have concern for me."

Gino rolled his eyes such in jealousy again. Raven was there beside Gino on the backseat and watching them. He interrupts them by writing.

The notebook floats again with words, (We need to find Finn)

Then Kim had an idea to prove that Finn is Fiancé. She told Kenji to call his ex-girlfriend Fiancé.

"Call Fiancé. Finn was the only name that I heard last time. She's a woman and psycho killer--" Kim slipped again

•∆•💧 Kenji's jaw opens

"Fiancé isn't a killer. But how could you know her name?" Kenji got very curious

"Just call her right now!" Kim shouted

And then, Kenji calls his ex girlfriend to met their selves for reconciliation. It was just Kim's plan to capture the psycho killer (Fiancé). Although, she needs to achieve Gino's justice.

11:04 p.m. at the other location,

Fiancé was so busy to mate until killing her handsome victim. She does her technique to hid her victim's corpse under the floor in the bathroom.


Fiancé holds her phone, "Hmm... Oh, it's my ex calling me. *Answers the phone* Hello?"

"Fiancé, can we meet at the street? -There's something that I need to say. I really missed you, I'm sorry." Kenji pretends

"Okay just be handsome when we meet each other again. I'm sorry too." Fiancé turn off the phone and she said, "Maybe, I can kill twice tonight."

Then Fiancé laughs in insanity.

11:31 p.m. nearby at Yokohama street...

Fiancé arrived and waiting for Kenji's arrival. Inside Kenji's car, four of them spotted her at the lights. Raven enraged.

(It's her, please arrest her!) The notebook floats again

Then Kenji felt disappointed but he holds it for a moment. Then he goes outside to meet up with her again. Fiancé looked at him while poker faced.

"I said be handsome, Kenji!" Fiancé complained

Kenji franked, "We need to talk... That flirty girl kissed me because she wants to steal me from yours--"

Kim thought while inside of the car, "What?!"

"--But that flirty girl prove something to me about you..." Kenji said until he gets the handcuffs and locks Fiancé's hand, "...You're a psycho killer."

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