Chapter 1: The Lone third eye woman

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....Five years later, in nice orphanage. Those souls that I met told me;
They have 40 days before going heaven, depends on their selves' manners: good or bad?
Fortunately, Ms. Jena went on the heaven long years ago because of her kindness and heroism.

While wiki-wiki was doing her job for revenge. When she's alive, she was killed by a psycho killer before their old orphanage established. So her soul can't go in heaven because of madness to revenge.

While me I'm living in nice but hellish orphanage. Many strict people are forcing me to do those chores even I'm tired. Furthermore, many fellow orphans teasing me.

In every night, I saw terrifying ghosts and demons. I can't sleep until I became drowsy. Some of a days, No one can adopt me because I'm weird. I accepted for who I am. I suffer it for many times and many days with everyday routines.

Soon, I abscond and living alone at the city. I remembered how Ms. Jena teaches me to be a hard-work woman. I hate to be a necromancer even I've seen many souls, ghost, demons, spirit, and etc.

Nowadays, I grown up at age of 25 (it was 2017). I've been worked at the restaurant as waitress. That's my only career to get some money.

Until now, I don't know why those ghosts wanted to follow me?

Are they appearing for a help or trying to kill or scare me?

Well I supposed, they need revenge and justices to go in heaven. Eventually, the other ghost killed their suspects to be rest in peace.

Well let's start my story...

One day at noontime, I was terribly shocked when I saw my bills. Especially, my apartment bills are not paid.

*Gasp* The landlady was knocking on my door.

I need to prepare myself...


Kim open the door, "Ah, good morning, Mrs. Hitama..."

(Mrs. Hitama is a landlady. She's fat and wealthy. She have thick make up and curly short hair.)

The landlady encounters with bursting anger face, "Kim, it's your last day to pay your bills!"

"I'm ready!" Kim said

"To pay your bills?!" Mrs. Hitama asked and surprised

"I'm ready to leave!" Kim said with a sweet smile lifting her things

Suddenly, Mrs. Hitama's face turned red and swat her fan into Kim's head. The landlady grabs her shoulder and drags her outside.

Afterwards, she throws Kim to the ground and shout in anger.

"I'll never see your face anymore, you scoundrel witch!" Mrs. Hitama shouted

Then the landlady shuts the gate. Kim never reacted and walk away.

...I have purpose to leave because I had no money. Until now as being a waitress, there's no salary that they given to me. I don't know why I have a misery life since I was a baby. These days, no more comfortable, and safe home.

Of course, I never give up to end my life. I just need to accompany Ms. Jena in heaven, so I'll wait.

Do you think am I satisfied from my lifestyle now?

No. Tonight, I'm so alone with stormy night. Such a beggar who became so dirty. Many vehicles splashing me at the muddy street.

I'm finding home to make me warm and safe. Until one day comes...

(Kim found some old and cheap apartment in Tanjuma street. It has four floors and twenty rooms inside.)

I found some weird place that I should be suited. It's just an old design but the inside was neat and nice. So quiet and no problems from the other side.

Well I'll rent a room...

(When Kim walk towards to the old apartment, she saw some old woman sweeping.)

She waved and said, "Hello, Ma'am"

*no response*

Kim thought that the old woman is just a worker. But the old woman was an owner of the old apartment. The old woman's face was so lonely while sweeping to clean the surroundings. She can't hear Kim's voice because she's deaf already (If it's too weak when someone calls her far away).

"Ma'am, can you--" Kim interrupted

Suddenly, the old woman didn't accidentally swept her feet, Kim felt pity to the old woman. So she helps it. She asked her first to use the dirty wet broom and sweeps her surroundings . She had no idea that the old lady is a land lady.

"Oh, thank you, young one." The old woman said. Somehow, she saw Kim's things. She asked, "Dear, are you all alone?"

"Yes, but I had a decision to live here instead. But I don't have any money yet to pay bills. These few money of mine are just my food and drink's expenses." Kim explained

"Well I'll give you some room. No need money for bills... I wanted to help others before I die like my husband..." the old woman said until her tears drips her cheek

Kim uses the old woman's damp cloth and rub her tears, "...You're so kind, Ma'am. Thank you... Don't cry. "

While going inside the old apartment, Kim asked the old woman.

"Ma'am, why do you want to spread your kindness for everyone?"

"...Before I die, I must do my happiest moment of my life. Like giving those beggars some rooms to live without money or even without replacements. Giving some goods for poor children---" the old woman stops

When her son counters them, he's too tired and dirty. He's tall and hard-worker man. And his name is Kenshi-Tadamashiko-kun.

"I'm finished to clean the storage room, Mama." Kenshi said

Kim felt attracted from him and blushes. And they're both dirty. She had no idea that he's the son of the owner. Then the old woman passes Kim to him to send her into the room.

Kim thought, "(Geez... This guy will... Oh no-no-no... But he's too hot.)"

He accepted to send Kim into the room. Somehow, he was actually quiet and shy at the beginning. But when they reach the room.

"This is your room, Room no. 6, miss." Kenshi said

"Thanks." Kim said

Suddenly Kenshi leaves without leaving a key from her. Kim calls him.

"Uh, stranger, you forgot to leave me a key!" Kim said

Kenshi glance off and walk towards her, he said, "Oh sorry, I forgot!"

He hand over and she take the keys to go inside. Suddenly, the room no 3. door open and there's a gossip woman goes out.

Kenshi was gone quickly while Kim was opening the door...

"Ms. Beggar, are you new in here or stealing some furniture inside that creepy room?" The gossip woman asked while her eyebrow raised

"I'm sorry I'm not beggar." Kim said and closed the door immediately

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