Chapter 3: The Terrifying Hot Ghost

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Later at 11:55 p.m.

...I was tired of buying groceries. When I arrived home, it was dim and quite. I walked going upstairs until I reach the room 6.

I'm not scared anymore even I saw some ghost. *sigh* I'll take a bath, it's too warm tonight.

When Kim put down the groceries to the table, she wear off her clothes. After then, she takes a shower.

30 minutes later (12:25 a.m.)...

Kim was nearing to be finished showering.

"Tsk, he's already married. So bad luck am I?" Kim thought

Until the wind whispers inside the bathroom again.

This night will terrify her and that ghost was very suspicious as the most terrifying roommate of Kim...


"W-who's--" Kim interrupted asking when the door opens itself



Kim saw the naked ghost again. She widened her eyes and she wanted to scream but her jaw freezes. And then abruptly closes her eyes.

Anyway, the ghost never disappears. As usual, Kim opens her eyes again. The naked ghost's hunk body was in front of her face.

She saw his muscular part of his body... (You know it).


*continues to blush*
...Oh muh gosh, what should I supposed to do...

Kim looked up slowly until she faces him closely. The naked ghost's skin was usually whitish. But his both bone cheeks ripped and his eye sockets are deep and dark. Many stabs on his body. Somehow he's scary hot ghost.

Back then, she screams and rushed out the bathroom. She abruptly locked the bathroom door. Is she got trolled or that ghost was real? -Kim thought while tries to escape the room but the door can't open.

Her hysterical mind forgot to cover the towel over her naked body. The naked ghost passes the bathroom door and finding her.
At the seconds, Kim saw the truth until she was lost of consciousness and collapsed into the floor.

(That naked ghost had an ability to lift up those things by his power.)

He tries to find a way to lay her to the bed and covers her with a blanket. Moments later, he lied next to her. He felt so attracted from her naked body. He remembers something but it was been forgotten instead.

So he tries to touch her but he failed. He thought that she can bring him back to life. But he's getting crazy from himself.

But how he can touch those things except Kim?

Then the naked ghost suddenly hugs her back. He tries to sleep but he can't while Kim slept naked.

Another day,...


Kim screams and startled at the naked ghost again. But the ghost wore his black pants now. He's staring at her sleep since he was failed to sleep.

Actually, ghost can't able to sleep.

"*blush* Who are you, you're naked last night, now why you're top less?!" Kim asked

Suddenly, she stops her babbling.

The ghost speak but Kim can't understand his words. But she all can hear is his groan.

"Okay, I can't understand you. May you please-- ...Oh, *blushes* I'm naked." Kim said and said hysterically, "W-what did you do t-to me, last night?!"

The truly is he can't able to speak. But he raised up his shoulders as gesturing like ''I dunno"

Then Kim rushes to find some clothes while using the blanket. However, the ghost was very rude. Then he pulls the blanket and Kim was naked again.

"Kwaah, you demon!" She shouted

The ghost laughs.

"Why you're laughing about?!" She asked, and babbling, "Do you think it's funny when you wear off that person to be naked?! -You're not funny so annoying!"

Suddenly, the ghost became angry. While Kim wore some dress, he held his two hands and pulled her dress tightly. He glare his eyes into her eyes. And then, he open wide his mouth and eyes with a very loud scream.

"Aargh, cut it out, you're too scary!" Kim said while covering her ears

Then the ghost stop it and then he disappears. Kim open her eyes slowly, the ghost was not there anymore. Although, she had concern how that ghost dies.

...I have an opinion from only myself: When there's some ghost/soul appeared in first place, she/he died from that current place.

Back then, when Kim goes outside her room (wearing casual dress), Kenshi goes outside too (wearing pants only and shirtless).

"Ohayou gozaimazu, Kenshi" Kim greets

"Ohayou, Kim" Kenshi greets her with a tired smile

Kim got seduced by his hunk body. Somehow, she left him while blushing. She needs to avoid him because she can't do the 6th commandment.

... Well, ignore those couples for a moment. Do you think I'm goin' for a date with that shirtless Kenshi? -*Bleh* No!

Totally, I'm off and free from my peaceful life. I'll go relax from spa and restaurant. I need to be thrifty to my money, of course!

Soon Kim reached the restaurant to eat some breakfast. She sat on the chair. The waiter asked her for menu until she orders.

Later on, while Kim was waiting, until the ghost arrives and finally founds her. He also wants to ruin her days because she still not noticing him.

"Here's your breakfast, miss" the waiter said

...Sweet two pancakes with chocolate sauce, two pieces of chocolate bar pieces above the pancakes... And my favorite drink is chocolate flavored with strawberry. There's an cat art above my drink. *nom-nom-nom*

After Kim ate her breakfast, and breath deeply, the ghost's head appears above the table.

Kim startled again,"😨?!.... Holy sprit!"

The crowds in the restaurant looked at her.

"😅 Uh... H-hi-hi-hi I saw a baby cockroach crawling here. Sorry for inconvenience." Kim leaved

The ghost follows her too and never go away. He wants to get noticed by her. Kim can't warn him to go away because there are many crowds in her surroundings.

Than embarrassed, she stayed quiet and hold her mouth shut. Kim decided to run away from the ghost. Somehow, the ghost was pulling his self to her by floating.


Until Kim went into quiet place and no crowds. In abandoned building, Kim wants to hide. While the ghost thought that she's playing hide and seek. Just the lovers do.

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