Chapter 16 (Part I): Case #5 "The Nude"

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Another day, Kenji woke up and went downstairs. He saw Kim sleeping on the couch. Then he walks to the kitchen to do something; Kenji cooked her some breakfast before he leaves for duty.

When Kim wakes up, she was so hungry. So, she goes to the kitchen and found her breakfast.

Kim taste the breakfast first.

"Oishī!" Kim said

After tasting, she ate the ramen and drinks her hot chocolate this morning. While Gino was staring and very jealous to her.

Until Kim noticed him, "😕 What?"

😠... 😖 Until Gino became frustrated again

"Don't be sad, Gino. I also thanks to you because you never abandon me. In two weeks maybe, you feed me even I'm a beggar." Kim said and asked, "...Why you're refusing me to point your corpse's location?"

Gino wrote, (If I achieve my Justice, I will be gone.)

"...(Don't say some words that could offend him)... Okay, I understand... Umm, where's Kenji?" Kim asked

(He went out for duty) Gino wrote

"How you can talk?" Kim asked again

(Are you interviewing me?) Gino wrote

"Yes, obviously. Back to our topic about your corpse. If they found your corpse, you'll be soul. And I will not be scared from your appearance!" Kim said

(Don't be babbler, Kim. You already said that Fiancé is a killer. Plus, you will tell him where my corpse is? -How wise you are to go me in heaven!) Gino wrote

"😨... So what shall I do?" Kim asked


At the office, Kenji was sitting and waiting for a new case. He looked at Gino's written words:

(I always mentioned it in your dream. Believed me, young brother!)

"(If Fiancé is a killer, how it will be proven?)" Kenji thought

Suddenly, there's an emergency call. It is a new case. After calling, Kenji responded at the Yokohama street. Including him, Many detectives gathered to investigate inside the house.

They found out those forensic items but they failed to find the corpse. Kenji found some clue on the bloody bathtub. Until he discovered some knife.

"I found a knife!" Kenji shouted

Many detectives paid attention and come closer to him. They tried to find fingerprints but failed because it's wet.

"Those fingerprints was been washed out." Jansen said

"It's oily from its handle. Maybe there's a possible fingerprints here!" Jin said

"Jin, take it to the lab later even these left clothes too. Jansen, get an interview from neighborhoods about this case." Kenji commanded

"😀 Yes sir!" Jin said

"Okay, you're the boss..." Jansen said


Back to Kenji's house, Kim was watching T.V. including Gino too. Gino can't explain it to her because of his desire. When he tries to hug her,

The news came out on the T.V. "We are live in Yokohama street. Raven Itjugo-San (victim) died. But where's his body? -Somehow, the detectives gathered together for investigation to find the victim's body.


Jin: We discovered many forensic items. Raven's corpse was still not found.

Other detective: We saw many blood splashes on the curtains. We are in curiosity about those clothes which are left behind.

Jansen: I asked his neighbors about that situation. Some of them told me that the suspect is a woman. They found her doing her own job to clean something. But she got alarmed and escaped. She successfully done it but failed to clean her remains of mess.

Kenji: Until now, there are many same cases about hiding those men's corpses. It must be only one suspect who could possibly do this murder."

Kim surprised and told Gino to go out.

"We need to hurry!" Kim said


5:36 p.m.

"Nice work, guys. Go to rest now." Kenji said

"But how 'bout you, Kenji?" Jansen asked

"I'm alright, do your time for your love ones." Kenji refused

Jin got worried to him, "Boss, you're all alone here!"

Suddenly, Kim arrives

"Nope. Two of them are alone here, by now on." Jansen said

"😬 Hey you Grumpy Papa, why did you left me without a meal?!" Kim asked, "You only left some breakfast to me!"

•_•💧 Jin and Jansen shocked

"😨 W-what are you doing here?!" Kenji asked

"Are you in relationship? -You're match from each other." Jansen said

"🙌 Aiiyyeee!" Jin screams

"😬 All of you, go rest now!" Kenji said

When two of his companion walk away,

"Why don't you admit your feelings to her, Sir Kenji?" Jin asked

Kenji heard that and chases his apprentice.

"*Blushes* What do you said?!" He asked while pounding him with rolled newspaper

Jansen explained Kim, "Kenji was so secret man. We don't know why he always left all alone after our investigations. But he found those suspects all by himself after few days shorter."

"...Because... He's courageous to--" Kim interrupted

Jansen explained again, "No. He felt that; his eldest twin brother was beside him. He's afraid, when without his brother. How about... If you'll be his wife?"

"(I knew that. Gino explained it already to me) -Ghh, what?!" Kim asked and added, "He's too old enough or he's a widow."

"*Giggles* Believe me or not, he was still 28 years old. Because of his mustache and long hair, he look like an old guy from your eyes. But the fact is; He hates to be handsome if he's neat guy." Jansen revealed

"Huh?" Kim got curious and still not believed

When Jansen goes home, he waves his hand, "Goodbye, tell me if you are married to Kenji!"

Jansen and Jin left.

Kim said "•'_ • Pweh, I'm not gonna get married from this old man."

"What old man, I, old?!" Kenji asked while behind her

"Hmpf, never mind!" Kim said and enters the house

8:45 p.m.

"It's night already. Can we go home now?" Kim asked

"Go home all by yourself." Kenji said and suddenly asked, "Did you found some ghost?"

"Nope. But there's a possible that ghosts can roam anywhere." Kim explained

Kenji got nervous and asked, "Gino's soul was here?"

Kim lied, "No. Besides, he's right beside you."

"😵 Kwaah!" Kenji screams

Gino laughs.

"Joke, his ghost was not here tonight. But he was there inside your heart. You're coward if his soul was here watching you." Kim said

"😔 Well... You found out for what I am. I imagined that; my eldest brother was accompanying me during my self duty. I'm coward if I done something wrong.

After he was lost, I'm afraid even I'm--" Kenji interrupted

They stopped walking from the sobbing noises.

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