Chapter 5: Sir Grumpy Detective

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His name was Gino the top less ghost; the one who insisted to help him.

...Gino and I will go home because it's night already. I walked through the dark long streets with him. Until...


"Boss, look, a lady!" The Yakuza gangster said

"Hmm... Sexy... Let's kidnap some lost baby." The Yakuza boss said and commanded, "Boys..."

Then the Yakuza boss point his two fingers to Kim from far away. So his Yakuza gangsters came after her. They were just holding a bats without a gun. (Such low class and beginners only)

Suddenly, Kim saw them approaching and she run away. Gino pulled himself to Kim again . The Yakuza boss ride at the car to chase her too.

"NOW, THEY'RE CHASING ME TO BE THEIR SEX SLAVE CUZ I'M SEXY... I'M GETTIN' CRAZY!" Kim shouted while continued to run

During that moment, there's a detective sitting on his favorite donut shop. He had mustache and black hair wearing a relaxing outfit such a civilian.

He's been alone and a last customer on the shop. From abrupt time, he saw Kim running while those gangsters are determined to get her.

He got alarmed and chases after them.

"HOY!" the detective said while he's raising his hand and running

When the rain comes...

Gino never stops pulling himself until he ran out of calm. His powers throws many wood boxes to block their way.

"Thanks, Gino!" Kim said his name at last

Suddenly, the car blocks her way. The Yakuza boss was inside of it. He opens the car door but Kim jumps higher. Then she passes at the car's rooftop.

Meanwhile, the detective overtakes those gangsters on the other way. Therefore, he saw the Yakuza boss.

"You're under arrest, Boss Fujisama-chan!" The detective said

The Yakuza boss sees him and pick up his gun. The Yakuza boss shoots the detective. However, the detective evade quickly and never hit.

Then the Yakuza boss was ran out of bullets and closed the door. He commands his driver to bump the detective by his car.

When his driver does, the detective stops running and quickly get his pistol gun.


Suddenly, the driver was hit and died while the Yakuza boss docks and still alive. Unfortunately, he can't drive the car until it turned right and bumps to the thick wall.

He was still alive but he got caught by the detective.

"After all these years, I finally got the Yakuza boss!"

"F*ck sh*t don't you think am I, Detective Kenji Yotsumazu?!" The Yakuza boss reacted

For his chance, he saw those gangsters. They not running after him.

"Wait where are they goin'?" Kenji (detective) asked

"Hah-ha they are chasing my beautiful rabbit!" The Yakuza boss said

"Rabbit, huh? -Sh*tty Playboys" Kenji locked the left hand cuff on the Yakuza boss' hand

And then, he locked the right handcuff at the pipes and chases after the Yakuza gangsters again.

Meanwhile, Kim got exhausted and stop running. Those Yakuza gangsters approach.

In quiet highway, there's no crowds even drivers driving in...

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