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Soon at Kenji's day off, he wants to go for a walk with Kim. So she accepted and prepare their selves to go out.

"Come with us Mrs. Yotsumazu!" Kim said

"Oh no, thanks. I can't go out. I'm busy." She said

Kim insist his mother to join them for a walk. Until Mrs. Yotsumazu joins them at last. Kenji was too happy because of her to pursue his mother.

Later, at the park,

Three of them have a picnic beside of the lake and talk with each other again.

"Uh... Did you like to stay with us, Kim?" Kenji's mother said

"Yes and It's been a long time to stay with you, Mrs. Yotsumazu." Kim said

"I didn't know that you're still in friendship. Will you marry her some day, Kenji?" She asked

"😨... Ah. Mama were still in relationship." Kenji lied and nervous

"😊 Don't lie in front of us. Say the truth, Kenji. You always tell me about her." She said

😑... Kim turned silent

"Okay, I should confess it... But give me some time to breathe some fresh air. Excuse me." Kenji stands up and goes away for a moment

"Forgive my son, he have hidden secrets for you." She apologized

"I know Mrs. Yotsumazu, I noticed that he's courting me secretly. But I need time for myself to be single." Kim said

"Or you're telling me that he looks old for you?" She asked frankly

"😨... Uh, no. I'm not looking his being old, I'm looking his real attitude, Mrs. Yotsumazu."

"😊 Ahh... I'll tell you in advance. Kenji is a kind man... He sold his entire heritages just to bring your life back. He's determined to own you by his efforts."

I remembered that he's been worried about your critical condition after he got cured. Almost, he cried for you and do his promised such a pledge of love."

Kim realized something.

"Until now, he's waiting for you to say thank you."

"Oh... I didn't know that. But thank you for saying that Mrs. Yotsumazu!" Kim bows and leaves her for a moment

Kim runs towards and tap Kenji.

"What is it?" Kenji said with an grief face

"😠-😃-😊 ...Thank you for saving my life." Kim said

"O///_///O You're welcome." Kenji said

Kim suddenly hugs him and Kenji feels good by now. Until they hug each other.

Weeks later, Kim seriously teaches her self to love Kenji. Without doubt, Kim spy his manner if he's bad or good man. Until Kim was little by little fall in love with him secretly.

Until one day, Kenji wants to court her for his last chance. But first he prepares secretly;

He bought some red and fresh roses and find some best place to be held by. He cuts some big heart shaped from the board. And then, he attaches those red roses from it.

Afterwards, he found some quiet place beside the lake of the forest. Then he sets all that he needed. He done his secret efforts without any caught from Kim's eyes.

Mrs. Yotsumazu (His mother) supports with him secretly; she bought Kim's beautiful dress and Kenji's toxido.

While Kim was on her job. They were all prepared just for their first date. When Kim was finished and goes home, she rides at the bus.

"😖 (Haist, very bad day. I was Scolded again. I've done my work but why that manager gave me a low salary?)" Kim thought

When she walks towards Kenji's home.

"(I think I need to suffer myself again... But I prayed that future handsome man, my meant to be. He must be handsome and rich that who'll never let me go and love me so much with all of his heart.)" Kim thought

At the seconds, Kim arrived home and abruptly Mrs. Yotsumazu approaches.

"😄 Kim, you have a special event tonight with!" Mrs. Yotsumazu said excitedly

"😃 With who... Where?" Kim asked

"Just follow me and wear something." She said

She grab Kim's hand and enters the room. Kim's dress was hanging on the wall. The dress' color was red, and simple with rosy design. It attracted Kim's eyes.

"★∆★ wow, so beautiful dress.." Kim amazed

"Even it's simple, it can attracted your eyes. How about a simple man, you will be attracted?" She asked

"... Kenji?" Kim asked too


Kim wants to reveal her unexpected feelings. Besides, she'll face it because she had a trust for Kenji and promise from Gino.

So Kim wear the dress and Mrs. Yotsumazu helps her to prepare herself to be simple but beautiful lady. But where's Kenji?

10:34 p.m. Kenji's car arrived from his home

He went out of his car and seen her at the door. He felt attracted while Kim felt disgusted. His mustache still not shave. He just reduced his hair.

Then Kim pretends to be quiet while holding her disgust. She goes to his car and goes to the place where their special event is.

11:01 p.m. Time when the unexpected date begins...

When they arrived, Kim was so amazed from Kenji's effort. Later at the table, Kenji act so gentleman. He gave her a chair and she sits.

Minutes later, after they ate their favorite dinner and dessert, Kenji prepared the music.

♪♪In the name of love (violin version)♪♪

"May I dance with you?" Kenji asked

"Sure." Kim said and holds his hand

Kenji pulls her and they dance slowly.

"😤 Don't pull me like that, Grumpy Papa!" Kim disgusted

"😁 Sorry, I'm doing right? -I'm trying to be gentleman only this night." Kenji said

"😑 You did these efforts all by yourself or your team did?" Kim asked

"I did... You already know that I have many hidden secrets." Kenji said seriously and asked, "Why, you don't trust me?"

"😕 I trust you." Kim said

"So are you satisfied with this date?" Kenji asked

"...No because of your mustache. Why did you love that mustache than shaving that?" Kim still disgusted

Kenji explained, "😰 Because... At the beginning, I have purposes to hid my true face. Without this, I remembered my twin brother's face. And now when I tried to shave it, it grows back and going thicker again."

"😤 Ugh, why don't you say it early? -I knew some professional derma doctor who will remove that." Kim said

"Who are they?" Kenji asked

After the first song played, there's next song made Kim more disgusted...

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