Chapter 22: The Wrong fate

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(Continuously on Case #7 "Unexpected Suicidal")

Kim, Gino, and Hujia are fighting inside her body. While, Kenji held her tightly, Possessed Kim bites his shoulders as strength as a wolf.

"😫 O-o-ouch, don't bite me you dog!" Kenji shouted

"Release me!" Possessed Kim said

Until Gino removes Hujia in Kim's body. Kim fainted while Kenji was exhausted.

"Wow you're too stronger than me!" Kenji said

Hujia's soul-demon goes away and escaped. While Gino was okay and worried. Then Kenji lifts her and take her to his home.


10:41 p.m. In Kenji's house...

Gino secures his young brother while watching Kim's sleep. Kenji stares for longer until he can't hold his temptation anymore. He goes to the bed to kiss her lips.

Gino: 😠...

Kenji: 😚...

Kim: 😪💤

Until Gino enter Kim's body. Then Possessed Kim opens her black eyes and uses the maddest scream again. Kenji screams in terrified and goes outside.

Gino goes out and laughing. So he kisses her lips and lied beside her.

Later at 12:48 a.m. Kim dreamed about suicidal

"Kim... Kim... Kim..." The voice said

"Wiki-wiki is that you?" Kim said while recognized the voice

"I missed you, Kim..."Wiki-wiki's voice said and appears

Ms. Jena appears too, they are in the dark world at the balcony...

"Why we're here at the top of the building?" Kim asked

Ms. Jena didn't response. She held her hands and floating backwards. She's pulling her until to the edge.

But suddenly...

Ms. Jena transformed into Hujia, "Bring back my letter or die?!"

And Wiki-wiki pushed her back. Kim fell off the building until those voices are whispering in her mind. Such negative words from her past.

Many images appears on her mind about her miseries while falling.

Until Kim felt frustrated and wake up. She cries and run outside the bedroom. Therefore Gino follows her. Kim sat on the garden and crying about her misery life.

Gino sits beside her. He wants to stop her crying.


"Gino?" Kim asked


"Why I'm always on misery life since I was an infant? -Am I cursed, or it was naturally-- *cries*" Kim said while crying

😮... *groans* Gino became sad

"I really want to end my life and reunite with Ms. Jena in heaven. I don't know what to do. If I left your young brothers house--" Kim interrupts and asked, "What shall I do? -If I'm still alive, I'll experience my miseries all over again. If I commit suicide, I'll go in hell..."

"Don't." Gino tries to speak

"You're right." Kim said

Kim tries to hug him but she fell down. Gino and Kim laughs.


Somewhere in the house, Kenji was wide awake. He's inside the secret room. His own investigation case was about his eldest twin brother.

He pinned all those files, pictures especially his twin brother's picture in the board. He finally found out the murder suspect but he can't find his eldest brother's corpse.

"(I wonder about Gino's corpse. Fiancé is the only one suspect who hid all handsome men's corpses.)" Kenji thought

Therefore, he remembered about his recent cases about Raven (Case #5 "The nude"). Raven's corpse was hidden under the bathtub.

"(It means) ...Gino's corpse was hidden somewhere inside the bathroom floor... Room no. 6 Tanjuma apartment." Kenji said

So, he encircle the map inside the bathroom in Room 6 Tanjuma apartment.

Days by days...

Kim never stops searching all alone while handling Hujia's suicide letter......

Until she goes to Jin to ask him about Hujia's love ones.

"Jin!" Kim calls him

"What can I help you?" Jin questioned

"Can you take me to her boyfriend... Elgin?" Kim asked

"Hmmm... But in Hujia's file case, her boyfriend is Nigel Yamasaki-san." Jin said clearly and asked, "What's that?"

"Suicidal letter from her. But don't touch it. It can possess you." Kim said

"So, what have I heard, that letter can possess anyone? -Hah, it's her job as necromancer. I believe..." Kenji said

"Sir, if you believe, can you send her to Nigel Yamasaki's house?" Jin asked and said, "She needs to get an interview about him."

"😬 Excuse me, this is my project for you from now on with Kim!" Kenji bursts in anger

"😅 O-o-okay sir..." Jin said and pulls Kim, "😁 We need to hurry..."

2:18 p.m. in Nigel's House....

Kim have an interview with Nigel. However, he shuts the door and refused to talk. Kim insist him until she said Hujia's promise death.

"She wrote some suicide letter. I hope it is yours. I have concern from your life. If you don't, her soul will kill you!" Kim said

"Do you think I'm gonna be fooled from your words? -That's not true!" Nigel said

"She said that you have secret relationship with someone else!" Kim said

Until Nigel opens the door.

He asked, "S-secret relationship with someone else? -Are you telling me--

Nigel interrupted when Kim gave Hujia's suicide letter. Later at Nigel's living room, they sat on the sofa. Nigel reads until he became shocked.

"H-how did she do this... I didn't tell her for suicidal. Maybe... Oh no... Maybe Lacey did this to fake her!" Nigel said

"Tell the truth!" Jin said and added, "Many witnesses invented stories many times even in front of the court."

"I can felt her. If you lie again, she will kill you by possession." Kim warns him

"I'm telling the truth promise... This set up was planned by Lacey. So I break up with her last time!" Nigel enraged

*Ring-ring-ring* (Detective Keine)

Jin answers the phone

"Hello, this is detective's apprentice--" Jin interrupted

"Jin we found a corpse here. It is Lacey Maki-chan. Witnesses said that; she died in possession." Keine said

Nigel became nervous, "P-possession?"

Suddenly on Kim's sight, Hujia's soul-demon arrived handling Lacey's soul. She was standing and glaring behind Nigel. Nigel was next to be terminated by possession. Jin and Nigel can't see her but Kim can. She leaps again and pushed Nigel on the side.

After Kim pushes him away and caught the devouring soul-demon. Then Kim possessed again. Jin and Nigel got curious until they're terrified.

Kim's eyes turns black and her nerves darken again like before. She floats through the air and scream louder.

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