Chapter 7: Case #2 "Toasted from locked oven"

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1:56 p.m. at Wasabi Restaurant,...

"I'll pay all the cost that you want to eat." Kenshi said

"N-Nah, It's too shy for me." Kim said

He got a sexy smile, staring at her. Kim blushes and smiled.

"O///w///O (My heart jumps...)" Kim thought

Coincidentally, Detective Kenji was there already. He's having a coffee and reading newspapers.
He had no idea, Kim was there.

Suddenly, Gino arrives with an angry creepy face. Then Kim saw the ghost glaring at the entrance. He teleport once again but he's in front of her. Closer to Kim's face.

"😨 Ghh?!" Kim startled and stand up

"What's wrong, Kim?" Kenshi asked

The few crowds are looking at her.

Detective Kenji look at Kim and thought, "°∆° (What a coincidence!)"

Kim started to run and said, "I forgot my time on duty. Sorry, we will take a meal next time. Bye!"

Kim waves her hand while Kenshi shocked and jaw opened.

"(*Chuckles* Hopeless boy.)" Kenji thought and go back to read the newspaper

Kim awkwardly ran away from the crowds again. And then she arrives at the quiet place all by herself. Kim and Gino argue.


"You always ruin when I relax!" Kim said

*Grr...* Gino get mad again

"Grr, grr, grr, you are the only one who didn't speak well. Go back to your room in the old appartel!" Kim said

Gino calms himself and get those papers and a pen in Kim's bag. After then, he wrote his words again.

(You said you'll help me but why you're flirting that taken one?!)

"I'm not flirting him. He just pursue me to eat breakfast!" Kim said

(You didn't know that there's something already happened with his wife) Gino wrote

After he shown his words on the paper, Kim wants to slam his face. She holds her anger.

She said, "😡 I can't hurt you physically, but I can hurt you by my words. You know what? -You're the assuming devil ghost who tailing me everyday!"

Gino stunned by her words until he uses his maddest scream again. Somehow, Kim courageously face his scream and never covers her ear.

She glares so wrathful until Gino stops his scream. He got surprised for what she did. Kim is the only one brave woman who faces him. Besides, Kim was nearing to be deaf from his power. But it's recovering sooner.

During their argument...

There's a ghost listening to them..

The other ghost groans. It looks like burned and decayed zombie..

*Grr...!* Gino was angry while noticing it

The other ghost has a power of fire. So it throws a fire from its hands immediately. Then Kim got terrified but Gino covers her. He was just her night and shining armor even he's ghost. Then he fights with the ghost.

During their fight,


They were paid attention, freeze and look at her, Kim covers her mouth.

"Oh, uh, I think someone will hear me." Kim said and smiles

*scream* the other ghost hysterically terrified


Minutes later, the two ghost reconciled and talked. Kim can't understands them but all she can hear is groans.

*Groans, groans?* Gino asked expressly

*Groans and cry* The other ghost expressed its emotions

"I don't know what both of you are talking about." Kim said "Why your smell so bad and burned even now a ghost? -Eww."

(He died and his soul became a ghost instead some hour ago. He can't remember where his body left neither his memory how he dies. He's lost and still finding his body for whole night. However he failed) Gino explained in writing

"Hmm... Unique death. Okay, I understand but I know that you can find it by... Using your energy and follow your heart."

Gino wrote again (We don't have heart anymore, Dumber head)

"😡 Err... *calms herself* You have a power of fire that means your cause of death is: fire. you'll come with us. We will find your body... But I'll ask you first. Where did you died?" Kim asked

*Groans* the other ghost expressed sadly

(Near the Wasabi Restaurant) Gino translated by writing again

"So, why Mr. Grumpy Papa was relaxing inside that restaurant. He was nearby from that place for his investigation." Kim said and asked, "We should go there ahead, shall we?"

Then Kim and the two ghosts return back and enters the Wasabi Restaurant. She was searching for Detective Kenji and she ruins his relaxation again.

"Mr. Grumpy Papa, I need your help!" Kim said while shaking his arms

Kenji hand down the newspaper, "You're so childish, what is it?!"

(Before she enters the restaurant, Gino mentioned the name and all of the information by writing. So the other ghost's named is--)

"Ohokio Sama-chun, Did you know him?!" Kim asked

"Yes, so I had purpose to solve problems here. Now get off!" Kenji shoo her away

Kim had an idea, she lied, "I'm his sister, I was escaped from the burning fire at the 5th floor building!"

Then Kenji pays an attention and take her to the burned 5th floor building. Kenji let her pass to the caution sign to enter it.

Later at the ashy huge 5th floor, Kenji, Kim, Gino and Ohokio (the other ghost) arrived.

"Where did you seen him alive, last time?" Kenji asked her for interview.

Kim had no idea but she pretends to be deaf roaming around.

On the ash glass window, Gino found an idea; he rewrite those translated information from Ohokio. Necessarily, Gino never fails to notice the words by the detective behind him. So he erases it.

Kim said from Gino's translated words, "He slept but forgotten to turn off his oven toaster while baking cupcakes...

So it overheats. (Lied) He woke up and calls me while this 5th floor was burning. I went there and saw him with huge fire but I go out for help. I responded without any help.

After that moment, I got fainted from smoke and they took me at the hospital. After I woke up, that news came out. Until now I haven't seen my brother's body."

Kenji said while writing on his notebook,
"Hmm... Matched from that case.

-Left over heated oven toaster (check)

-Lost body of Ohokio Sama-Chun... Maybe, his body became ashes. It's too hard to find"

"You're wrong." Kim thought

Until, Ohokio finally remembered and point where his burned corpse left.

Kim looked over, crawl inside behind the ventilation fan and found some burned hand.

Kim widened her eyes, "*gasp*...

...This must be it!"

(But the truth is: Ohokio slept the oven until over heats and he woke up and goes behind the ventilation fan as fire exit. But he got trapped inside of it and burned to death.)

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