I SPECIAL CHAPTER [23]: His night and shining armor butt

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Later at 12:51 p.m. Imashita street...

Kenji and Kim arrived from his home. Kenji's mom was washing their clothes. When she saw them arrived, she approaches them.

"😙 Ohh... My son was here. Give me a kiss for your mama!" Kenji's mother said kisses his cheek

"😅 Mama... We have a visitor!" Kenji said

"Who is it?" She asked

"It's Kim Tenshi-san. Kim, meet my mother." Kenji said

Kim take a look at his mother while behind him.

"Hi." Kim said so shy

"Is that your girlfriend, Kenji?" She asked

"...Yes! 😁!" Kenji replied

😨... Kim got stunned

"Can we stay here at your house, mama?" Kenji asked

"Sure. I'm all alone to live here." She said

Minutes later, they talked with Kenji's mother in their living room.

"When I was twenty years old, his father and I have two naughty twins. We're wealthy when their father was still alive. Almost they become fat and chubby but healthy boys.

But when their father passed away, his relatives pursue me to go out the mansion. I never fight their power of wealthy until me and Kenji left.

With Kenji, we went back where I suffered all my misery times again." She told them

"Somehow, me and Gino meet again when we grew up. Even he's rich while I'm poor, our fate still connected from each other. 😁" Kenji said

Suddenly, Kim becomes sad.


"Why you're so sad?" She asked

"Uh, I remembered Gino..." Kim said, "I dreamed about his spirit last time. He's in heaven right now."

😐...??? Kenji's mother got curious

"Mama, she have power of necromancy." Kenji explained and added, "I thought that she's crazy at the beginning."

"Really? -Oh my, you can see many ghost here in my house!" She got worried

"😨... Okay..." Kim said

"😊 (Mama and me will ruin her saddest moments unto happy moments)" Kenji thought

"So let's eat our meal!" She said

2:19 p.m. Kenji forbidden Kim to take a bath.

"😦 Why you're forbidding me to take a bath?" Kim complained

"It's too dangerous because you've finished your treatment after surgery. The doctor said don't bath after treatment!" Kenji said

While they are in argument, Kenji's mother watches them.

"(They are very match couples. I didn't know that my son caught a sexy and kind girlfriend like her.) 😊" she thought

Back then...

"😡 Errr... I need to bath it's too warm!" Kim became so angry

"😠 I said no! -Please, for your safe, Kim." Kenji got worried

Kim surprised.

"Don't tell me that you forgot about my words." Kenji said, "Ugh, never mind. You'll be able to bath after two weeks, okay?"

"...But I would be smell like a beggar again." Kim complained again

"Wipe yourself with wet damp cloth. I'll go bath.." Kenji said

😤... Kim bursts in anger

2:34 p.m.

Kim obey his words while Kenji baths outside of their house. He's
Top less and wearing pants only. At the few moments, Kim saw him at the window.

He pouring some water over his hunk body. Besides, he had purpose to attract her again. But Kim remembers Gino from his appearance (except his mustache). She saddens herself and walk away.

When Kenji look at her, he thought that it was failed to attract her again.

Minutes later, Kim was drowsy. So she asked Kenji's mother.


"There are many rooms, you can choose any room to sleep." She said

"😊 Thank you!" Kim said

Then Kim roams around the rooms...

"Hmm... Many rooms, many sliding doors... Ah I'll choose this one." Kim said

When she slides the door, Kenji was there naked. So she saw his back naked view again.

O///∆///O.... Kim brushed until she screams

O///[]///O!!! Then Kenji screams too and covers his body with uniform

Suddenly, Kim slide back the door and run. She enters the another room and embarrassed from herself.

">///~///< (I saw his shiny butt again?!)" Kim thought

2:45 p.m. Kenji will go to duty...

"Goodbye, mama. I'll go on duty now." Kenji said and kisses her mother's cheek

When he goes out, he rides at the bus going to his office. He have a new case to investigate. Without Kim, he needs to do it with own efforts again. Therefore, he needs to rest her for a moment.

Later at night...

When Kenji arrived home, his mother prepared him a food. While Kim was still sleeping, they talked about Kim.

"How did you met Kim?" His mother asked

"We met coincidentally. We're such cat and dog fighting. Until now... she hates me." Kenji said

"Are you telling me that you're still not in relationship with her?" She asked

"Yes...I'm sorry... I lied in front of you, mama." Kenji revealed

"Why don't you shave your mustache? -You look 28 years old when you're neat." She said

"😯... If I have money, I'll find some way to remove this." Kenji said

"No need a millions of money. Buy any shaving products just to remove your thick mustache. Live simple, son." She said

"I need to effort, mama. I need to earn my salaries and bring back my heritages." Kenji said

"About that, you told me already that you sold your heritages just to save her. Did you love her?" She asked seriously

"😨... Y-yes..." Kenji said

"Good, do your own effort. But you need to be simple and neat guy." She said

"Nah, no need to be simple. Boutiques, restaurants--" Kenji interrupted but asked, "Did you like her, mama?"

"😊 Yes. In her face, she looks innocent. She's so shy but she had hidden confidence." She said

Suddenly, there's a call again. The call came from his chief. He calls him for new investigation case. Afterwards...

"Well, I'll work this case tomorrow. I need time for my beloved mama." Kenji smiled

Few days later,--

Kim helps his mother from her chores. She's taking care of his mother if his mother got illness. While, Kenji never give up to do his job.

After months, Kenji earned thousands of money. He have a car again. Because of his salary from his being senior detective, he can buy all he wanted.

He wants to court her but he failed many times. However, Kim said to him that he need to wait her answers always. But She can't love him because of his old look.

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