Chapter 9 (Part I): Case #3 "Child in asylum"

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"-After saying our promises, we didn't communicate for a long years because I'm dead."

After Kim read his message, Gino weeps. Kim also understood and pitied for him.

"You must be thankful because you experienced it with your family. While me, I didn't see my parents since I was a baby.

Further more, there's someone dumped me to the trash. Sooner, many ants are crawling and biting my body, when I was a new born baby!" Kim said while crying

Gino pays an attention and write some message, (We both have miserable situation especially you)

Kim smiled :'>.

3 days later, Detective Kenji's left arm cemented. But somehow, he goes to the asylum. He wanted to ask her if she's saying the truth.

When he reached Kim's white room, he stands there and started to ask her. Gino hid the notebook and pen inside the exhaust fan.

"Hoy there, childish insane-stalker--!" Kenji calls Kim

Kim look at him and said, "Please let me out. I'm not crazy!"

"Really?" He asked and said such antagonistic, "Those nurses reports your mental illness to me. You're talking alone and you mentioned: assuming devil ghost. Is that me?

-You're probably insane, so you'll never go out neither you'll tell me about my brother!"

Gino became so mad again because Kenji is so evil. And then, the light immediately shuts down for a moments.

The detective got curious while Gino tried to untie Kim to the chair. When the light goes back, Kim was nearby at the security door in front of him.

Kenji jump scares, "😲 Kwaaa, ou-ou-ouch my left arm..."

Kim smiles and calmly said, "😊 assuming devil ghost? -It's not you. Now let me out, I'm honest if you talk with me."

"No, stay there I'll not able to let you escape. These security doors is so strictly amazing. Someone like you would stay here and be insane forever." Kenji said

Suddenly, Gino type those passwords and opens the security door. Kenji widened his eyes. Somehow, Kim didn't decided to go out.

"Are you a discriminating insane people? -Why you're so judgemental?" Kim asked

But Kenji ignores and lock her again by typing long random passwords. Whenever he tries, Gino insist her to go out. Until the security door opens widely and Kim runs.

Kenji chases and caught her to lock into another old white room again.

Minutes later...

"There, you're in the old version of white room. You're behave huh?" Kenji said

"Is there some behave insane person and who will not insist to go out?" Kim said

"I never thought that... Whatever, don't ask me!" Kenji said and added, "Let's go back to our topic."

Kenji and Kim was alone in that dark place. When Kenji locks the door, Gino pulls the locker and the door opens.

"WTF?!" Kenji shouted and locked the door again

Many times Kenji do that but failed. Gino was not tired of insisting to let her out in the white room.

Kim said and asked, "Your eldest twin brother's ghost still not achieve his justice. He's here and he wants some help!

You still not believed even you saw many sorcery on your surroundings?!"

"Huh, no!" Kenji lied while he's sweating

"Gino can you appear in front of your young brother?!" Kim asked

Kenji laughs and teased, "You're really insane!"

Suddenly, Gino finally appeared in front of Kenji. He held his two hands and squeeze Kenji's shoulders tightly. He glare his eyes into his young brother's eyes. And then, he open wide his mouth and eyes with a very loud scream.

"Aargh, cut it out!" Kenji screamed and terrified

He escaped from his eldest brother's scream. Because of terrified, Kenji bumped at the wall and fainted.

Moments later, Kim's two tied hands released again and standing while looking at him.

"Are you okay?" Kim said

While Gino was standing there too looking at him. He held on his task case notebook and pen.

"😲 Kwaah....!" Kenji screams and stand up

Kim hold his shoulder and explained, "Please do understand me, detective. I'm not insane. Your brother can appears if necessary. Even you don't have third eye, he can appears himself. He done it many times to the other people!"

Kenji said, "W-where is he? ...Wait a second?!"

In his vision, the notebook was floating only. Kenji took his task case notebook and pen to Gino's hand. He looks so shocked at her.

"Sorry for you. Gino can't talk. So he used that notebook and pen to write his translations.

Suddenly, Kim felt something and hears some sobbing nearby . Kenji heard that either. Then Kim and Gino run.

"I'll prove to you that I had a power of necromancy!" Kim said while looking back to him

Then Kenji follows them.

Meanwhile at the hallway, those nurses got scared from the sobbing. Many fluorescent lights explodes. When three of them arrived.

"Detective!" The nurse 1 said

"What this insane patient doin' in this hallway?!" The nurse 2 asked

"I'm just accompanied her to--" Kenji interrupts

When the sober appears, it is a ghost child finding her Teddy bear. The lights are shutting off and then on in rapid times. All of them got terrified and run away except Kim. Kenji wants to run too because he's terrified.

"What's insanely happened to this asylum?!" Kenji said

Kim held his hand tightly, "Don't run, we'll face it."

Then Gino approaches to talk with the ghost child. Kenji can't see them while Kim can. The top less ghost asked why the ghost child was crying. Until the ghost child stop sobering.

The ghost child explained with moaning explanation. Afterwards, Gino get Kenji's task case notebook and pen to write again. Kenji never see him but he sees his floating notebook and moving pen.

(Her teddy bear was missing. She died while handling it) Gino wrote and shows it to them

Kim asked, "Where's that place did she died?"

Gino wrote again, (Near at the sakura tree. She was buried under the tree)

"Wait, I've seen that sakura tree; nearside the entrance and exit of asylum..." Kenji look at Kim, "🙎 I have some trust for you. Just make sure... Don't escape!"

So they goes outside. Kenji calls those two nurses to secure Kim. When they arrived at the location, Kim saw the ghost child standing there. That is the point where she was buried.

Kim and Kenji digs using their bare hands only. until they found the ghost child's dirty teddy bear and a mossy decayed hand.

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