Chapter 10 (Part II): Case #3 "Child in asylum"

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Kenji was shocked for what he have seen. Even those nurses either.

"I-is this the lost and ghost child who sobbing and appearing every time?!" The nurse 2 said

"What happened here?" Kenji said seriously

"This kid was missing from that night long ago. Then two years later, her appearance exists and destroyed many fluorescent lights by her sobbing!" The nurse 1 explained

"Moo..." The ghost child speaks

Abruptly, those nurses got terrified and run going back to the asylum. Gino laughs. Kim was staring at the decayed hand. While Kenji calls his fellow police for new investigation case.

"I'll help you to solve faster your cases." Kim said

Kenji turn off the phone and said, "*sigh* This is weird but... I believed in you now."

Kim said, "😀 Thank you very much, detective Kenji!"

"You're welcome." Kenji said with a poker face

Then Kim asked the ghost child and Gino translated in writing.

(She was rescued from harming. But she died after they took her here. Because there's some person buried her alive.

It's an adult male who wants to harass her. Besides, she bit the adult male's right side of his palm. However, he pounds her with a shovel until she was bruised and fainted. Then he took her to the sakura tree to buried her alive)

"Hmm... What's the child's name?"

(Hirami Chon-chun) Gino wrote

Then Kenji get his new spared task case notebook and pen, he wrote a new case. He wears glove to prevent finger prints.

"Step aside. Don't mind me, childish woman... Okay...

-Case no. 47: Hirami Chon-chun

-She's been buried alive under the sakura in Ji asylum.

-Suspect: (unknown)

-Evidences: there's a shovel with blood

-Witness: Kim tenshi-san

∅ Corpse of the child (check)"

"Why I'm her witness?" Kim asked

"Don't mind me. Mind your business. Leave me alone!" Kenji said while he continues to writing

"If I didn't mind you, I'm escaping you, Mr. Grumpy Papa!" Kim reacted and walk away

Kenji got alarmed and he used his handcuff again. He locks her left hand while he locks his right hand too.

"Now we're both locked on my handcuff. You'll never escape from me!" Kenji said and sexy smiled

Kim said, "*blech* Maybe you're busy, old man."

"Even I'm judgmental person, you too, same as me!" Kenji laugh louder, "Let's go and ask that ghost girl about the suspect!"

Then Kenji pulls her while he's investigating all alone with Kim.

😠💢 Gino's expression and thought, "(She's only mine)"

😊🐻 Hirami's (the ghost girl) expression while humming and lifting the dirty teddy bear.

2:34 p.m. at asylum hallway

Kenji and Kim saw the workers repairing those damaged fluorescent lights. Then he pulls her again while approaching to them. He takes an interview from the workers. After Kenji asked his questions...

"These fluorescent lights were damaged many times when every the girl sobs." The worker 1 said

"Did you recognized Hirami Chon-chun?" Kenji asked

"Why do you want to ask that? She could point us that suspect."
Kim complained

"😠 We need to proven for asking someone witnesses." Kenji said and added, "😁 I apologized, she had a necromancy powers. Don't mind her being insane."

"Necromancy? -I have necromancy too." The worker 2 lied to tease them. Until--, "👈😨 What's that floating teddy bear?"

Then Hirami appeared herself.
And then, they screamed in terrified. They quit repairing the lights and run away. The two left persons remained to stay. Gino and Hirami laughs.

"•_•💧 I think I mentioned something wrong." Kenji said

"😊 Hirami, can we follow you and point that person who killed you?" Kim asked

😊 Hirami agreed

Somehow, she wants to play with them. Later, She float and float while Kenji and Kim became so tired by walking in the huge asylum. Then abruptly, Hirami flies swiftly and Kenji run while pulling Kim.

Also, she starts to play with them but Gino wants to stop her. Whenever, he warns her to stop, Hirami didn't listen. At the few moment, she didn't accidentally found that person who killed her. The suspect was in front of the patient's door outside at the hallway.

"😭 Waaahhh....!" Hirami cried louder

At far away, Kenji and Kim heard the ghost girl crying. Then they are finding that noise.

(Hirami's suspect is a janitor who likes to harass or rape those female patients and nurses. If his victim refused, he kills them. He rape 5 times on sudden patients and killed only one child.)

Now that janitor was straggling the female nurse. Suddenly, the female nurse saw the floating dirty teddy bear. She screams while the janitor look behind and shocked.

Those fluorescent lights are shutting off and then on rapidly. So Hirami appears and crying very creepy, holding her teddy bear. The janitor ran and forget the nurse. And then, Hirami chases him while crying even Gino either.

Meanwhile, Kenji get his handcuff key on his detective uniform to release himself. Unfortunately, he forgot it on his car.

While they're running,

"Kim, may I have a favor for you?" Kenji asked

"What?" Kim asked

"😰 Can you arrest that janitor? -You know what is my condition now." He said

"😡 Err... Why don't you release me to chase him?!" Kim asked

"-___-💧I forgot those handcuff keys. I left it on my car." Kenji said

"😨 WUT?!" Kim asked such thunderous

While chasing the suspect, Gino had an idea to capture the janitor. He left himself and goes back from the detective to get the handcuffs.

While Gino was approaching, Kim saw him

"Gino!" Kim said

Kenji didn't stop running and he can't see him. But he felt his handcuffs pulling inside his detective uniform. Afterwards, Kenji saw his two handcuffs floating in the air.

Gino got it and swifts towards the suspect. (He's too faster to swift than Hirami).

While the janitor (suspect) was running, his sweats drips off his face. He's terrified because he recognized Hirami's face.

Hirami sobs and never give up to chase him. Until he encountered Gino on the another door. Gino quickly locked suspect's feet first before the hands with handcuffs.

Eventually, the suspect can't able to escape anymore. Then Hirami arrives with a terrifying grind while looking at the suspect.

"°o° Moo..." Hirami speaks

The janitor got terrifying screams. So, Hirami pound her dirty teddy bear to the suspect's face until the suspect fainted.

Kenji and Kim found them and take the fainted suspect to Kenji's car.

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