Chapter 23: Case #8 "Twin Brother's Ghost"

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Nigel believed from now by his girlfriend's possession. While Jin can't believe for what they had seen.

"😨 Holy crap, I'll call sir Kenji!" Jin said

When he tries to call Kenji, the Senior Detective doesn't response him.

Meanwhile in Tanjuma apartment, Kenji went there. His phone was off. He asked the landlord (Kenshi) about the mystery room.

Kenshi told him about the story until Kenji thought again. He asked about the last person who rented there.

"Nobody rent but there's one person who lived in that room." Kenshi said

"Who?" Kenji asked

"Kim Tenshi-san. I don't know how did she survived that room for months." Kenshi said

Then Kenji remembered about Kim's words, "

(Kim: This place reminds me. I missed this place. That old landlady gave Gino's room to me without bills to pay. I left it because someone wants to pay me a bill. They're harshly couples.)

Hmm... She told me that your mother gave that Room 6 to her. There's no bills to pay. She left it because someone wants to pay her a bills."

"Ahh... Okay. (😨 Is he Kim's father?)" Kenshi thought

"Can I look inside that mysterious room?" Kenji asked

Then Kenshi gives the keys to Kenji. He can't escort him to enter the room because it's too creepy from now.

When Kenji opens the room no. 6, it was too quiet and dark. Somehow it's neat. But suddenly, he widen his eyes. Someone pulls him in and shuts the door.

Gino was with Kim already since they went to Nigel's house. He's inside Jin's car. He wants to stop Hujia to save her. But he failed, so he swifts towards the location to stop Possessed Kim again.

Jin and Nigel shuddered and embracing each other because of terrified. Possessed Kim never stops her possession. Suddenly, Gino arrived and leap towards her body but he failed.

He can't able to possess her because soul-demon Hujia owns Kim's body. However, Kim's soul have faith to pray from God. She prays for Hujia's unforgivable soul. Even her salvation from possession either .

Until Hujia's soul-demon fell off into hell world. Hujia will never exist any longer. Kim fainted.


7:28 p.m. Kim wakes up and finished to have interview with Nigel..

When going home, Jin was driving his car while Kim and Gino are sitting on the backseat.

"--So, you're really a necromancer. Unbelievable!" Jin said

"That's my creepy talent. So they thought that I'm insane. But I'm talking with souls, and etc." Kim explained

"I know that you're not the only one necromancer. They are many but rare to find. But there are other people pretending like them." Jin said

😟... Gino felt something strange

Suddenly, the news came out on the radio.

"Breaking news; Live in Tanjuma street, Senior Detective Kenji Yotsumazu was on hostage from the insane prisoner Fiancé Tukishima-chun.

Inside the Tanjuma apartment, many residents went outside. While police men responded and staying outside.--" The reporter continues speaking

"Oh no, Sir Kenji!" Jin said

And then, he race through the highway going to Tanjuma apartment.


9:58 p.m. Jin and Kim arrived in Tanjuma street

Kim and Jin went throughout the car. Then Jin asked about this situation.

"Why Sir Kenji became a hostage inside this apartment?!" Jin asked

While Jin was asking from the police man,

"Gino, did you know what you've heard from the radio?" Kim asked him

2 hours later, inside room no 6...

Kenji was already stabbed from his right biceps and left waist. He's running out of blood but he's tough to suffer it. While Fiancé was laughing insanity and holding Kenji's gun.

"Why you're doing this to me?" Kenji asked

"I'm tired to hear that... But this is my only answer... IT'S-MY-ONLY-PLEASURE!" Fiancé laughs again

Suddenly, she glares at him and fiercely get the knife.

"I'm finished to mate with your twin brother. If you're next... Nah, I hate ugly faces!" Fiancé said

"(Thanks for this mustache. I look like Grumpy Papa) -Thanks. So you can release me?" Kenji asked

Back then, Kim and Gino look some way to enter inside. They found a way without crowds. So Kim left them and goes behind of the apartment building.

They saw some thick vines attaches through the wall. They follow it until to the third floor where the hostage currently happens. Kim climb up using vines until she reaches the floor.

"Maybe this way where the suspect went." Kim said

Then Gino was first to enter the room no. 6 and unlocked the door. Kim opens the door and she saw Kenji. Suddenly, Fiancé was behind the door and wants to stab her head.

But Kim catches Fiancé's hand with knife. Then Kim fights her until Fiancé faints. Kim get the gun and the knife from Fiancé and lift Kenji.

When Fiancé quickly recovered again, she get the another gun and shoots Kim.


Kim and Kenji stumbles down. Her left waist hit and bleeding. Fiance pushes him away and choke Kim. She brought back the knife again. The blade of the knife put in Kim's throat.

Kenji and Gino are alarmed when she slashes Kim's throat slowly. Kim's agony faints her.

"*Crying* DON'T KILL HER... KILL ME!" Kenji shouted such thunderous


Therefore, Kenji had nothing to do. Suddenly, the Kenji's gun floats by Gino. He scream, aim and fire. Then Fiancé's head hit and died.

Eventually, Fiancé's soul became a demon immediately and Gino drag her to hell. While Kenji lifted Kim and take her to the outside. Kim was still alive and fighting against death.


11:46 p.m. the ambulance arrived at the hospital...

Kim and Kenji are critically wounded because of tragedy. While in surgery room, the doctors are on big duty. Kim's wound on her throat was the most dangerous part that can be cause of her death.

12:51 a.m. My Saddest and Miracle time that I ever had

...That night is the most dangerous tragedy of my life... I think I'm dead and Gino was right. Our deal was on 50-50. Now I'm a soul but where is he?

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