Chapter 17: Case #6 "Bitters and Poisoned pancakes"

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Another day...

"O///__///O What I've seen last night? -I saw Mr. Grumpy Papa's hunk body and shiny butt. But thanks to you, Gino." Kim said and added, "I can't sleep in whole night because of that kind of coincident!"

(You didn't know that; my young brother was certified as Hokage. He told me that; someday, he could touch some sexy woman)

"O///_///O W-what, are you sure?! -I better get out of here!" Kim said and trolled

😂... Gino laugh so hard but he's saying a truth

Moments later, The controversial appears on the T.V.

"Fiancé Tukishima-chun killed twenty three men... She hid them by burying somewhere; in bathroom floors, forests, even in septic tanks.

Nineteen out of twenty-three corpses are been discovered while four of the victims' corpse are still not found. The court sentenced her to death after that tragedy."


11:10 a.m. Another call again from new investigation.

Kenji, Gino and Kim responded to the location where the new investigation begins.

Later in Wasabi Restaurant, they arrived. They saw the victim dead and poisoned. The victim is an old woman who cooperates with Mr. Fujisama-chan (Yakuza boss).

"My favorite dessert?" Kim and Kenji asked and added, "Wait a second, did you like Sweet two pancakes with chocolate sauce, two pieces of chocolates that was above the pancakes?"

"Wow, they're both talking. Both of you are really matched!" Jin said

😒 Gino got jealous again.

"So, you're eating that kind of dessert, aren't you?" Kenji asked

"Yah! 😄" Kim replied

"Well, okay. Back then, she was poisoned by this dessert." Kenji said

"The witness said; before she got poisoned, there's some agreement from Mr. Fujisama-chan--" Jin interrupted

Kenji said, "That Yakuza boss... Proceed."

"-She refused to sign some file. It happened only in this table. But we're curious about the suspect who did this crime." Jin finished his explanation

"Mr. Fujisama-chan do his favour to his companion to put poison on that dessert. He will never fail to get his desires. He insists by abduction, or killing the victim's relatives to do his trial... What is her name?" Kenji asked

"Mrs. Ruyika-sama-kun 68 years old." Jin explained

During Jin's explanation, Kim felt some soul nearby. She follows it accompanied with Gino. Until, they found Ruyika's soul in the kitchen.

She was staring on the foods. Kim tries to talk with her but Ruyika become a ghost and screams.


Gino wants to calm her down but Ruyika leaves them. Gino chases Ruyika while Kim was looking and smelling at the prepared foods.

"(All of them are smell bitter. Are they poisoned foods now?)" Kim thought

Kim suddenly ran towards Kenji. She reports about the poisoned foods in the kitchen.

"Nice work. Jin, confiscate the kitchen. Phew, there's no people around here to eat their orders." Kenji said

By and by, Kenji decided to talk alone with Kim. Moments later, they went on the quiet place which no crowds again.

"(Where's Gino?)" Kim thought

"😔 I miss my brother. He was here?" Kenji asked

"No but he's finding Mrs. Ruyika's soul." Kim said

"Okay." Kenji said and asked, "...If someone loves you, what should you do?"

"I'll love that person with all my heart. I'm a hard-working woman. Since I was an orphan, my foster mother teaches me how to be hard-worker." Kim explained

"How if that kind of person would stay with you together?" Kenji asked

"Hello, it was you? -If you choose me as your wife someday, I reject you because people will thought that you're my father!" Kim franks and run away

"😬 It wasn't me you idiot!" Kenji shouted

Kim continues to run and laughing

"You're such a Grumpy Pa--" Kim interrupted and stumbled down.

Suddenly she cried, "Waah!"

"*Giggles* You're so judgemental. So you stumbled down and crying like a baby!" Kenji laugh

Kim had wounds on her knees. Therefore, Kenji noticed it and got attracted again from her.

"(She looks cute when she cries) Naah, stop crying, my baby!" Kenji said while approaching

"Don't touch me... Ouch! ...Waah, my knees!" Kim cried

"Poor baby *Giggles*. I'll cure you." Kenji said

Then he gets his handkerchief and ties it on her knees. Kim never blushes while Kenji stared from her whitish legs.

"(Oh no, his hokage moves attacks) Erm, thanks, Grumpy papa." Kim said and stand up 

"Why don't you call me Kenji?" Kenji complained

"😡 I like to call you Grumpy Papa because you're always grief and old!"

"😬 Err, what? -If I'm Grumpy Papa, you're Spoiled brat!" Kenji said

During their babbling, Gino was already there and jealous


Ruyika was with him right now. Suddenly, Gino and Ruyika approach and Kim noticed them.

"Oh here they are!" Kim said

Then Gino get the notebook and pen. He give it to Ruyika to write her words.

"Who's our translator today?" Kenji asked

"Nothing, but Mrs. Ruyika was only alone with us." Kim lied and asked, "Tell us, Mrs. Ruyika. Did you know who did this to you?"

(It was Mr. Fujisama-chan. He's my cooperative from the illegal drug company. He insist to take signature from me to sell my company.) Ruyika wrote

"That bad*ss Yakuza boss. Tell me where he is? -You're actually dead, so he can't kill you anymore." Kenji said

"But how about her love ones? -Think about it, Grumpy Papa!"

Gino laughs

"I could take them to the Family protection program. That was their only safe place to stay. Okay?" Kenji said

😐... Kim turned silent and ashamed from herself

(He's in hideout somewhere in Tokyo city) Ruyika wrote

"What street?" Kim asked

(I don't know) Ruyika wrote

"Well... I think I had an idea. How if one of us will join the Yakuza?" Kim asked

"Great idea. But who will pretend to be Yakuza?" Kenji asked

At few seconds, they had an idea.

Jin will undercover like a rude gangster. So Kim wore him such a dirty and gangster outfit.

"If you found Yakuza gangsters, act like a tough guy and you'll tell them to join the Yakuza." Kim told him

"😓 This is so daredevil stunt!" Jin became nervous

Kenji watches Kim and smiled because she was now cooperating with their team. Then he walks towards them.

"You're one and only best actor from our team. Did you remembered when you disguised like an old lady?" Kenji laugh

"😭 Sir, Jansen was dead and then I will be next to him?!" Jin said nervously

Kenji rolled the newspaper and swat his head again.

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