🎉 Thank you! 🎉

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2nd story from mine

I'm so glad if you read all of it. This is my final author's note. I hope you like it for reading this.

The truth is; I want to draw this manga story. But I don't have time to draw all of the scene. I'm using my hand to draw characters even typing on my cell phone.

Oh, this emoji are not mine of course! I'm lazy or I don't know those other face expression like this (😷,😤,😭, etc.)

Need a short story?

Are you finding Wiki-wiki? She killed the psycho killer by possession. She used the suspect's body to commit suicide by slashing its neck using sharp scissors.

After all, she came back eventually to Kim and Kenji to find her corpse under the burned orphanage. Afterwards, they finally found it and buried her to the cemetery.

About their twin daughters, Tenshi and Kihara can see those ghost like Kim. Wiki-wiki's soul became their playmate every time. After 40 days, she goes in heaven.

In heaven, Gino never take a relationship anymore. Expect the unexpected, he found some love one too.



That's my last story for this moment.

Sorry about my other information from Yakuza characters. That's my only knowledge about their actions.

Today, I'm busy to my study but I'm waiting for summer time.

No more teachers, no more pencils, no more books and dirty looks--

Oh sorry I'm getting weird again.

Nowadays, I'm drawing those new characters from new stories. I will not waste my notebooks by writing anymore. Just type in Wattpad!

Sorry I can't write English well, so my grammars are very wrong. However, I'm exerting to practice English to use it for better future.

(I'm asking my parents to know those things or even Tagalog to English. •_•💧)

I have many stories written in my notebooks. Soon, I'll transfer these words to Wattpad. If I can. I wrote recently from my very first story (Electra). But it's not finish cuz I need a good mode and concepts to continue typing.

So follow me in wattpad. If not, it's okay I understand. I'm not a famous person just simple author. I have many inspiration why I'm writing those stories that I have...

Who is it? ...(Secret)...

However, if I had time and good mood, I could update this story.

So Goodbye guys

I'll finish off these stories and start a new one.

My mind was getting to explode from my new stories,

I'll be brainstorming when I start a new one.

I'm determined to finish this.

Just for me and you 😹!

Twin Brother's GhostWhere stories live. Discover now