Chapter 6: Investigation begins Case #1 "Old Landlady's death"

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...When I went home safely, I never saw Gino at the hallway. But one thing that surprises me so bad.

I saw some funeral but I ignored and overtaken that room. But Kenshi went out the room. Urgh, temptation begins again.

"Kim, why you're not here, last night?" Kenshi asked with a lonely face

"I was on the accident. Don't worry, I'm fine now." Kim said and asked, "There's anything wrong?"

"My mother died. She's a landlady here. Before she dies, she passes her heritages to me." Kenshi explained

"Whoah, she's a landlady here? -I'm sorry, since we met, I never seen her sweeping the surroundings anymore. So that's why."

"You may come in." Kenshi pursue Kim to go inside the room

"Nah, I'm too tired... I'm sorry, and maybe your wife will--" Kim interrupted

"She's not my wife anymore. She's such a devil, so I kicked her out. It's okay, I understand what is your condition today." Kenshi said

"(It means... I had some chances to be his girlfriend? ★∆★) Thanks, gotta go." Kim said

"Wait a second!" Kenshi said and hold Kim's hand, "There are rumors about your room. It's kinda mystery thing; there's a ghost living there. And that ghost is a girl? -No, a boy. We don't know where his body left after his girlfriend survived.--" Kenshi tell a weird story

"Ahh... Really? *Yawn* my tired eyes will close... I gotta go. (I know the truth but why conscience whispers me to do this again. Ehh, he holds my hand. I feel the heat!)" Kim thought

She left him.

Later at night, inside at room no. 6, Kim and Gino are sitting on the bed.


"Okay... Where did we stop talking, last time?" Kim asked until, "Ahh... That abominable scene topic."

😕? Gino got curious

"*chuckles* Well, forget that thing." Kim said and continued to talk about investigations, "So if Fiancé is the killer, where is she now?"


Then the ghost get some papers and pen to write. Until he's done and show it to her.

(I don't know)

"Great idea." Then Kim asked for a next question, "Umm, where did she lives, last time?"

The ghost wrote again, (Tokushima street)

"Woah, far away from this street?- that's ridiculous!" Kim said

Then Gino wrote again, (I saw the old woman, while ago. She's sweeping outside)

Kim said, "She's-- wait, I didn't saw her while ago."

Gino wrote again, (If you're a necromancer, find her)

"Hah! -Do you think I'm expert?" Kim asked

(For all these years, yes!) Gino wrote again (I must be thankful, cuz' you understood and you can only see me.)

"...Uh... What is your purpose to be here? -Why do you want me?" Kim asked

Gino wrote a long words and gave it to her.

Kim reads Gino's message, "I'm here to help me out. I have more days to stay. I have a bet. If I done my revenge, I'll go in heaven and you'll be set free. If I lost my time and still a ghost, your soul will be mine forever."

O.O Kim laugh but asked, "Are you kidding me? -You're giving me a death message? -How stupid you are. *chuckles* However, how could my soul would be yours?"

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