Chapter 11: His Sweet kiss until a Nightmare dream

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Later at 3:12 p.m. In the jail,

Kenji looked at the suspect's right hand. Then he saw the bitten scar mark. While Kim remained to stay at Kenji's car and talking with Hirami.

"You've been achieved your justice at last!" Kim said

Gino got offended and envy by her words.

While Hirami moans, Gino written her messages to them.

(Thank you very much for finding my teddy bear)

"Of course, maybe soon enough, you'll come the heaven. You will play with those angels and live there peacefully and independent." Kim said

Suddenly, Hirami became a cute soul. And then she said goodbye and left them.

Kim wants to cry but she held her tears. Gino look at her and became curious.

Gino wrote, (Did you missed Hirami immediately?)

"No, I remembered my childhood. I missed Ms. Jena and wiki-wiki." Kim responds

(Who are they?) Gino wrote

Kim explained, "Ms. Jena is my foster mother. She get me out on the trash and took me to the hospital. Since I was a baby, she's taking care of me.

She died after she sacrificed herself to save the young boys. I don't know why our orphanage burned..."

(How about wiki-wiki?) Gino wrote again

Kim continued, "She's my first childhood ghost friend. I met her from that dim night, I lost in the hallway. Then I saw her crying until she scares me like you do.

After that accident happens, I transferred in helly orphanage. But she still accompanied me including Ms. Jena's soul."

(What happened from them?)

"40 days later, Ms. Jena went in heaven while wiki-wiki was already ghost for years. She was killed by the psycho killer. She needs revenge and justice... Like you...

I don't know what happened from her now after she left me. But I'm so alone with misery from my life. I want to commit suicide but I can't go in hell. When you came, you almost giving me hard and multiple problems."

😢 Gino weeps again.

"But you gave me some lessons to help other ghost to achieve Justices. But you also done many nice work. 👍" Kim said and smiled

😮 Gino surprised and stops his weeping

Moments later, Kenji was finished from his latest case. He goes to his car to go home and rest. When he entered his car,

"*closes the car door* Hey, why are you smiling?" Kenji said

"Why don't you even care?" Kim asked

"So what? -Can you get out of my car? -Maybe people will think about--" Kenji interrupted

When Gino appears and wrote a message to show it in front of Kenji's face,

😠 (Kenji, stop your being rudeness or I'll throw you up higher again)

😯 Kenji turns silent and got terrified and starts the engine to drive.

Later at night, it was raining again. Kenji sent her to the old apartment in Tanjuma street. While far away at the Tanjuma street, they talk for a moment.

Kenji emphasized, "I remembered this rainy night; I cried while I tried to enter that apartment. Somehow I failed because I'm just a student--"

"Your brother said that you're taking criminology course, right?" Kin interrupts him

"Yes. Even I'm a criminologist student, those police men refused me to get in. When my father came, he insist them to get me in. He's chief police.

Besides, I tried to help them. So I discovered the bloody knife, and we saw many scant blood dripped beside on the bed.

After the result from our evidences, it was matched from my twin brother's DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)."

Kenji said and added, "We're here, thanks for helping me to solve the case. You've proven it. I'm sorry for calling you childish and insane-stalker. I'm such a illusionist."

"It's okay. I understand how does they thought about me because they don't have talent like this. Goodnight and be careful... Your way is slippery!" Kim goes out the car

Kim got wet while she's running towards the old apartment's entrance. Suddenly, Kenji calls her name.

"KIM TENSHI-SAN!" Kenshi shouted

Kim turn around and she look so hot from his eyes. Kenji felt some little attraction to her.

"O///o///O (She's so hot when I saw her wet during rainy night) Never mind and goodnight!" Then Kenji starts the engine

While driving, Kenji looked at the internal view mirror. Abruptly, Gino appeared, writing a last message while glaring at his young brother.

Suddenly, he stopped the car and look again at the mirror. Hopelessly, he never seen his elder brother again but Gino left some one page of a paper.

(I felt that but she's already mine)
"😟 What? -Hugh! I'm already taken." Kenji said and drives again

9:55 p.m. Kim goes to bath

... I met many scary ghost but I helped them to go in heaven. I sacrificed myself just to solve the case.

By and by, Gino lift his head at the bowl again.


*groans⁉* 😐

Gino surprised because Kim was bathing with two piece only.


"He-he-he, you'll never see my body in every bath. You're naked again and watching me all over again. Don't do that when I'm using that bowl!" Kim said

*Blech* Gino felt abominable

After bathing, Kim remove the wet two pieces and wear on her clothes. Gino wore his pants until he pranks her again. He pushes her to the bed.

He fall and uses his arm to support, so he wouldn't totally fell on Kim, stopped and stared at her. Kim never terrify but she blushes.

"Uh, what are you doing?" Kim asked

Then Gino kisses her again and she enters his memory world.

She thought that; his another throwback will shown up again but.....
It's not.....
Kim seen her future life with him.

They became souls and kissed each other...

After future, Gino's proving situation revealed.

There's something really happened to Kenshi and his wife inside in room no. 3 after their argument about Kim.

Kim shocked. Then Gino was behind and whispering her ear.

Gino: Did you remember when after I fell some paint above Kenshi's face, When he drops you the old wood on your face, and after you have conversations with him until his wife saw and beat you?"

Then Kim awakened.

Gino was lying next to her. Watching her sleep all night. And he shows her a message...

(I gave you a goodnight kiss because you've insomnia)

Kim said, "No, even it's a sweet kiss, you gave me a nightmare about Kenshi. That's not true."

Kim stands up while Gino remained there and disappointed, 😢

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