Chapter 12: Speechless will never reveal secrets

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Later, Kim went out the old apartment. She sat on the bench to relax and look at the autumn trees. Gino stands and staring there too far away at her.

While the old woman approaches behind him,

"Oh, Hi there, young man. Why you're shirtless and wearing pants only?" The old woman asked

😨 Gino surprised and ignores her, 😞

Suddenly, the old woman pinches and pulls his ears

"😳 Tell me, boy. Are you speaking well?" The old woman insist him to talk

"Grr..." Gino groans

"Okay, if you're not respecting me... I'll go." When the old woman will leave, she saw him staring at Kim at far away

She floats nearby and asked, "Did you fell in love from the living being?"

Gino glances off to the old woman and shook his head.

"Ah... I understand now; Is she avoiding you because you're a ghost and too disappointed because of your death?"

"..." Gino shook his head again

"You can't able to speak then? -Well, I give you some advice. Someday, even you're a ghost, you'll found some special than her." Then the old woman disappeared

Somehow, he can't accept the old woman's words. So Gino imagined something;

His purpose is to kill her by Fiancé. And then, he could take Kim's soul forever if she dies. But Kim could survive from Psycho killer Fiancé?

After thought, he floats towards her. Kim saw him and suddenly puts her palm on her face. And then, she avoids to look at him.

Gino get his notebook and pen from Kim's bag. He wrote again.

(I'm sorry)

"No need to apology. Leave me alone and get your own life!" Kim suddenly left him on the bench

Then, Gino disappears, weeps and locks himself to room 6. again. Kim was just lonely and tired, so she said something that makes him cry.


While walking at the park, she saw the detective again. How ever, he's putting his right hand into his girlfriend's shoulder.

(His girlfriend is Fiancé. Few years ago, she replaced Kenji as her boyfriend. Kenji got pitied until developed because he got attracted on Fiance's innocent and pitiful face. Now they are calling their names in reverse.)

Today, Kenji was in good and healthy condition. The cement over his left arm already removed. He's too happy while taken.

While Kim was still N.B.S.B (No Boyfriend Since Birth). Suddenly, there's a beggar and gossip gays approached them.

"Hey there, are you his father?" The beggar gay asked

"😠 No. Don't mind us, idiot!" Kenji replied

"Yeah, beggar!" Fiancé said

Kim ignores and overtakes them like she didn't met him before. She laughs alone.

"(Hmpf, his gf is sexy too like me. Blue and short wavy hair. But I don't know who is she. So dirty old detective)" Kim thought

*Then back from teasing with the beggar and gossip gays*

"Hu-hu-huh, we're just asking you. Is this your daughter?" The gossip gay asked

"😧... Uh, don't mind him, Finn. He's insane." Kenji said

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