Chapter 20: The daredevils

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(Continuously from Case #6 "Bitters and Poisoned pancakes")

10:23 p.m. in Tokyo city...

Kenji's team pretend to be civilized. While Jin rambles anywhere in the city. The other few undercovered police men followed him including Kenji and Kim as civilians.

10:43 p.m. Jin found those few Yakuza gangsters

He became serious while approaching at them. He didn't know that he's facing the expert class Yakuzas. When they noticed Jin's approach.

"Ō_O Who are you to face us?" The Yakuza 1 asked

"I'm Jim. I'm here to join Yakuza gangsters." Jin replied

"Look, bro, he looks like an addict, like us, yo! 😎" the Yakuza 2 said

"If he looks like an addict, let's see how tough he is. His body was too beginner for me!" The Yakuza 3 challenged

Jin never get nervous even he's facing the body-tank Yakuza, "(Even your body was huge, I could find your weakness) Oh my, I'm gonna be lose from this sh*t?"

(Jin is not an only expert to disguise, he's a fighter even Kenji's apprentice. He can memorize and detects weaknesses from the enemy's moves.)

Then the brawls begins. The Yakuza 3 punch and kicks Jin but failed to hit him. While Jin always evading quickly.

"(Let's see how you will take your pain)" Jin thought and kick with all force through the Yakuza 3's balls


"😰 Ooh...!" The expert Yakuza gangsters shocked

The Yakuza 3 became weak, "😭 Kwaah, mama... How did you evade quickly and kick my birdie?!"

Jin laugh, "Oh my man, my body is faster than your tank body. You're slow but you're strong, man!"

Suddenly, there's a gun blow that they all paid attention. It was Mr. Fujisama-chan (Yakuza boss) handling his gun.

"What's going on here? -It's noisy!" He said

"We have a new gangster here. He's expert on brawls, yo! 😎" the Yakuza 2 said

"Oh, how rare he is? -Welcome Jim, I saw your moves!" Mr. Fujisama amazed,

"😁 Thanks!" Jin bowed

"Oh let me introduce myself; I'm Mr. Fujisama-chan. I'm the Yakuza boss here!"

"Nice to meet you, boss!" Jin bows again

"Come inside, I'll meet you to my Japayuki girls!" Mr. Fujisama said

"😯 (Japayuki? -Oh no I hate them!)" Jin thought

So they went inside the Yakuza boss' hardcore party. Kenji, Kim and the rest of his team saw the boss at last.

"Deputy Detective Kenji Yotsumazu speaking; prepare for raid."

45 minutes later, all of Kenji's team are prepared. Entire of them are wearing bullet proof vests and use sudden guns.

Gino and Ruyika already went inside the boss' hardcore party. They saw Jin. He's hugging those Japayuki girls and drinking alcohol but he still not taking drugs.

"🙌 Wooh, I love Japayuki girls!" Jin said while drunk

"Why don't you try this cocaine, Jim?" Mr. Fujisama pursue him

"Okay!" Jin drink it until he starts to hallucinates

At few seconds, Kenji's team raids and interrupted the Yakuza's hardcore party. They begun to have gun fight. During gun fight, Kim was crawling and scared.

"(Err, I never experience this before!)" Kim thought

Kenji was included as gunfighter, while Gino became his shield. So supernatural.

"(Many bullets are floating beside me. It's so miracle. Is that you, Gino?)" Kenji thought

Then Kenji comes forward until he reach Jin. Jin was so drunk and sleeping under the table.

Kenji wake him up.

"Hoy, wake up!" Kenji shouted

"Ehhh... Boss Kenji, Hokage loving man!" Jin said

"You're drunk, did you take drugs?" Kenji got worried

"Yah only once, Boss hokage!" Jin said

"😕... You, take Jin back to the department." Kenji passes Jin to his gunfighter team

They need to chase the boss before it's too late. Moments later, Kenji followed and found the Yakuza boss at the rooftop of the bar.

Unfortunately, he's grabbing Kim as hostage. His gun was pointed into Kim's jaw.

Kenji gone worried. While Gino was excited if Kim dies from the Yakuza boss' hands.

"Don't kill her... Release her!" Kenji warns

"We are unmercy gangsters. But I think she's best to be my Japayuki!" Mr. Fujisama said

"😬 You f*cking dirty old man!" Kenji bursts in anger

Kim abruptly bite Mr. Fujisama's hand and releases herself. Kim ran towards Kenji but suddenly Mr. Fujisama shoots.

*Slow motion*

Kenji shoots and covers her by hugging until Kenji's right chest hits.

Mr. Fujisama's knee hits and stumbles down.

By and by, few of Kenji's gunfighters arrived.

When, Kenji look at her while Kim was holding him. He's getting lost of consciousness.

"Kenji... Kenji... Pull yourself together!" Kim cried

Kenji closes his eyes.


After raid, Kenji opens his eyes again. He's in the hospital now. Kim was sleeping while sitting besides him. Even he can't see Gino, he's giving thanks to him.

Besides, Gino was disappointed and frustrated again. However, he refused to let his young brother die. Until he goes outside because of frustration.

Ruyika became a soul now and rest in peace with her passed love ones.

Kim suddenly wake up and worried from Kenji's condition.

"😨 Kenji, how are you?!" Kim asked

"Do you think your Papa was fine? -Of course not!" Kenji teased

"Thank heavens, you're in good condition...😌💧" Kim said and breathe deeper

"Wow, she have concerns for me." Kenji said and stand up to sit

The blanket fell off and Kim seen his hunk body. She blushes and covers the blanket to him. Kenji purposed to do that to attract her from his hunk body.

At the moment, the news came out on the T.V. that all of them shocked.

"Mr. Fujisama arrested and directionally he is the master-mind as a Yakuza boss. Whenever, the Deputy detective's team arrested the beginner Yakuza boss, there are many Yakuza bosses hidden through this city of Tokyo--"

"•____•💧Ehh... That effort was just... Nonsense?" Kenji asked until he burst in anger again, "ARRGGHH... O-OUCH!"

"Calm down, your chief will rank you up!" Kim said

"★∆★ What?!" Kenji asked

Suddenly, Kim decided to leave, "I'll leave you for a moment. I have a friend to meet, today. You're welcome for taking care of you all night... Bye, Grumpy Papa!"

Kim left him.

"O///_///O She stayed with me all night?" Kenji asked himself

Later at 9:12 a.m. Kim met with someone (secret)

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