Chapter 21: Case #7 "Unexpected Suicidal"

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In the park, Kim met with Kenshi again. Last night during investigation, Kenshi left a text to her. Kim hid the text to Gino to avoid him from jealousy.

Moments later, Kim arrived in the Lollì café. It was a place where they should meet. By and by, Kenshi found and approaches her.

"😀 Kim!" Kenshi said while waving his hands

"😍 Kenshi, we meet at last!" Kim said while waving back

Kenshi sits on the chair and talks with her. He told her a story about his wife. He suffered all of his misery and regrets himself.

Until Kenshi cries and he wants to pursue her to come back. Kim holds her tears and hurt but she pretends to smile.

"😊 I'm sorry I can't go back anymore. Anyway, I'm living with my relatives." She lied and added, "Don't forget about my words... Friend."

*ring-ring-ring* (a call came from Kenji)

Kim's phone rings and she answer it.

"Hello?" Kim asked

"Grr..." The voice groans

"G-Gino?" Kim asked and added, "Sorry I can't answer you for a moment, brother!"

Kim ended the call.

"Who's that, your brother?" Kenshi asked

"Yes, he have--" Kim rolls her finger beside her head

"Ahh... He's insane." Kenshi said

*ring-ring-ring* (a call came from Kenji again)

"Ugh, not again... Excuse me." Kim said

Kim goes away and answers the phone.

"Hey, I'm calling you, few seconds ago. I'm not Gino. Why you're calling me brother?" Kenji asked

"Err... You're ruining my moment always. What is your purpose?" Kim complained

"Stop complaining. I'm back on duty. So, you must go back on your duty with me!" Kenji said and added, "Meet me on Kimata street."

Kenji ended the call.

Kim turned silent and goes back to Kenshi to say goodbye.


"We're just sitting here at few minutes." Kenshi complained

"... 😱 I'm very sorry but I need to go, Kenshi. See you again next time!" Kim said and left him

😔 Kenshi was so disappointed because he have another secrets to reveal.

10:05 a.m. Kim arrived in Kimata street...

"At last, Kim was here!" Jin said

"😎 My cocker spaniel was here!" Kenji said

"😤 What cock? -Am I--" Kim interrupted

Jin explained, "It is just a kind of dog that looks like--"

"You! " Kenji laughs louder while pointing Kim

Suddenly, his right arm ache.

"😨 O-o-ouch my shoulders!" Kenji said while in agony

"😏 Karma!" Kim said

"🙎 Urgh, you and Jin will be in- charge for investigation and forensic examinations. Call me medic!" Kenji said

"😨💧 B-but I didn't learn that course or job!" Kim complained

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