Chapter 2: Who's that hot ghost?

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When Kim goes inside the room no. 6, it was too abandoned; many dust, spider web strings, old things, and etc. Worst of all, there's no window.

...I don't care what does that stupid woman says. Creepy room, and am I stealing furniture? -Hello, can I lift them up. Am I strong woman?

Then Kim will start to clean the room no. 6 later. Without knowing, that room had a mystery; so creepy. She drops her things to the white covered bed. But many dust spread to the air.


"Oh Man, so dumb am I." Kim said

Then she wear off her clothes to take a bath first. Going inside the bathroom, it was not ever dirty. But many millipedes on the wall.

...Kyaay! creepy room. Besides, these millipedes can remove moss. However, They're important to clean it by eating it. Don't mind it, ignore it.

She take a bath and turned on the shower. While bathing, she felt something strange. There's some footsteps outside the bathroom.

She thought that there's a stranger watching her seductive naked body. So the bathroom door opens itself and Kim felt nervous.

"W-who's there?!" Kim said while holding a soap

There's some wind answers her. Such a breath sighed in. Kim walk towards the bathroom door to close and lock it. Somehow, there's a naked ghost behind her.

Kim didn't saw it even she didn't feels something strange and bath without getting scared of. After a while, she tries to clean the room.

10:32 a.m. I felt cold when I clean my new room.

While cleaning my room, I felt so angry. Because many objects are falling in every place where I put it. Many dust makes my nose dry and irritates my eyes.

But I'll ask this question: Why I'm not sweating even I done all of it?

She didn't knows that the naked ghost was on her back. Already hugging her back since she started. Until now, she didn't notice him. But she must see him already.

11:23 a.m. I'm going back to work at the restaurant

...I was too busy to take orders from customers. Anyway, I got scolded by the manager. Until I became such a f*ckin' ape sh*t. So I decided to resign later after that whole day job!

Actually, before I resign, I took my salary and say that permission to leave.

But my boss wants to harass me first before I leaved?! -No way!

So I kick his balls and outta there immediately.

7:35 p.m. I heard some gossips about in room no. 6

Later at night, I was too tired until I arrived home. That gossip woman noticed my footstep outside.

The gossip woman opened the door, she wants to jeer, "Hey,

(She interrupted talking when she saw Kim's sexy body from her cloth)

"Hey beggar, are you scared from that room? -There are many sudden people who rent that room many times. But soon, they quit and left it abandoned. There's a mysterious and terrifying ghost inside."

"I'm not scared and I'm truly not a beggar... Good evening." Kim said with a haggard face

I went inside and close the door. I don't know why she's gossiping my room. She don't need to ruin someone's life. Especially, that ghost that she talks for.

11:08 p.m. I felt something warm from the cold body

...I take exercises to be exhausted, because I have insomnia. Afterwards, I lied in my bed and calm myself... Maybe it's too hard to accept this situation.

Then Kim closes her eyes and tries to sleep. Suddenly, she felt comfortable until she finally sleeps. Without knowing, there's something warm hand rubbing on her body.

That naked ghost was lying next behind her.

8:33 a.m.

On the next day, Kim goes out the room. Abruptly, the hanging picture frame fell itself throughout the table. She got curious while hanging it again.

Meanwhile, the landlady's son was busy to repair the ceiling. Kim walks through downstairs until she founds him.

His T-shirt was dirty that made her attracted again. While Kim watches him, he's removing the old woods. There are many termites inside.

When he dropped those old woods, it fell through Kim's face. She panics and then he rushed down to help her.

"M-miss, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that!" Kenshi apologized while removing those termites on her face

"Kwaah-Kwaah-kwaaa!" Kim continued to panic

They continued to move termites until those termites fell on the floor. Her face started to be itchy.

"Ghh, *body shakes* ... Thank you." Kim said

"No need but I'm sorry. I didn't accidentally drop that-- But you're standing over there where I dropped those old woods on ceiling." Kenshi said

"Oh, I understand... Sorry... (So hot man)." Kim said

"Watch your step, um--" Kenshi interrupted

"Kim Tenshi-san!"

"Uh okay... I'm Kenshi Tadamashiko-kun."

Suddenly, the paint drops itself towards Kenshi's head. Kim shocked and get a damp cloth and she rubs his face.

"Thanks." He said

"You're welcome." Kim said

Meanwhile, the gossip woman went downstairs and look at them. Suddenly, she rushes to removed Kim's hand and asked--

"What the hell you're doing to my husband?!" The gossip woman shouted, and added, "We already married after one month and then you'll flirt him in front of me, beggar?!"

"I'm sorry he didn't accidentally dropped me an old wood--" Kim interrupted explaining

The gossip woman pull her hair while Kenshi was stopping his wife. Until he shouted in anger.

"After-one-month, you've been changed. You're not my wife that I met before!" Kenshi shouted and grabs his wife's hands out of Kim's hair

Kim got dizzy and her hair got ruined. Kenshi pulled his wife and he warns her while going towards room 3.

... I'm so shocked for what she have done to me. Worst of all, Kenshi had already a wife. Such as bad*ss b*tch who pulled my hair without explanations of me.

Then Kim went back to the room because of embarrassment. 8 hours later, Kim went for a grocery to buy some food for dinner.

10:59 p.m.

While she's finding the rice pack, the naked ghost appears again. He floats going to the next row until Kim caught his movement by her peripheral view.

Kim got shuddered and rushes to put those food products on the grocery basket. After buying groceries, she went home again.

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