Chapter 15: The Detective's pet

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... I'm satisfied to help unjustifiable ghosts. But there's only one ghost who still not achieve his justice...

Today, back to be beggar again. Dirty clothes, no money, and no place to live again. However, Gino stole fresh foods at the cafés. Too weird but in need.

I'm still sexy and beautiful but covered with dirty muds again. Gino was ran out of tint of the pen. So he can't able to write to translate his words. My things have been stolen by fellow beggars too, some few days ago.


Later outside the café, Kim sat on the chair and hungry. She had nothing to do, so she stared at the moment. Meanwhile, Gino get some foods from the other cafés again.

During Kim's awful moment, Kenji was driving on his car. After he elapses the café, he recognized Kim by seeing on his car's side mirror.

Kenji was shocked and parked his car. He goes out on the car and walk towards her. He take a look closely until Kim look at him too. Because of starving, Kim collapses but Kenji caught her.

Then he takes her into his car...


Later in Kenji's house...

"Ugghhh....Whherre Aamm I?" Kim said

When Kim was back on her consciousness, she opens her eyes. And so, she got surprised because she's on the neat and beautiful room. There are foods on the table beside the bed.

"🙅 Hoy, there. How you became a beggar? *giggles* -You look like an evil witch!" Kenji said while standing on the door, "Now get off and eat your food. You're messing my bed!"

😨 Kim widen her eyes and shocked

"...What are you waiting for? -Tsk!" Kenji asked

Kim can't speak because of after-shock. She freezes like a statue. So, Kenji walk towards the bed to feed her. He gets the spoon and spoon-fed her.

Kim still surprised while looking at Kenji's tame face. He's kind as she ever thought.

"🍜 😄 Daughter, here comes the airplane. Eeeewwwwnn...!" Kenji teased her while waving the scooped spoon

"😬 I'm not your daughter. Give me that!"

Suddenly, she get the spoon and ate the bowl of beef congee.

"You're really certified old man. Maybe your age is 40 above!" Kim said

"Excuse me? I'm still 28 years old. But my mustache makes me old! 😬" Kenji said

Kim shocked, " °o°⁉ really? -I think, your baby face was hiding from your mustache." Kim said and scoops on the bowl of beef congee

"😕 Huh?" Kenji got curious

Meanwhile at the café, Gino arrives holding a sushi rolls and water. However, Kim was not there anymore.

°[]°!!! Gino panics and swift everywhere to find Kim

Until he tries to pulls himself from Kim's body. It succeed but it's slow because Kim's distance was too far away from him.

After Kim ate the food, she goes to bath and cleans herself. But she had no clothes anymore, so Kenji able her to wear his clothes.

Then Kenji decided to go out to buy her some clothes. Kim was so shy but he still goes outside. When Kim was alone in his house, she looked at the family picture frames.

She saw the twins over the picture. It was a young Gino and Kenji; They are neat and putting their arms over from another shoulders. Nowadays, they still look like same faces but one of them changed.

While in the city, Kenji bought Kim's cloths. At nearby, Gino saw him. Gino doubts about those cloths that his young brother bought. And then, he follows Kenji until they ride on the car.

An hour later, Kim saw something on the special frame. It was Gino or Kenji? -That picture makes her thought for a moment until she handles it.

Suddenly, there's an old ripped newspaper fell off the frame. Kim took and looked at it.

"(Missing man's corpse in new established Tanjuma apartment, Where is it now?)" Written on the ripped newspaper

"(If I point his corpse from that location and arrest Fiancé, he can achieved his justice. He could finally go in heaven.) What if I'll do this?" Kim thought

Kenji suddenly asked,"What did I heard? -If you'll do that? -What?"

Kim didn't notice that Kenji came back again. He's lifting those clothes that he bought for her. Without even notice, Gino was behind him and glaring at her.

Gino: 😠...

Kim: 😨...

Kenji: 😕?...

"I-I-I just want to say--" Kim interrupted

Gino never stops glaring because he wants to stop her about Revelation from his corpse. While Kenji got very curious about her movement. Until--

"-Thank you." Kim said

"🙎 Wait a second, why you're holding that old newspaper?" Kenji asked

"Well this thing reminds me of--" Kim interrupted again

Gino teleported in front of her face and said straight, "Don't tell where my corpse is."

"O_O (Gino can speak now?) -...This place reminds me. I missed this place. That old landlady gave Gino's room to me without bills to pay. I left it because someone wants to pay me a bill. They're harshly couples." Kim explained

Kenji said, "So you became a beggar... Also I saw you last time on Valentine's day. You're neat, now you're--"

"I already left my apartment before we met again." Kim said

"...Hmm... I had an idea. If you can't find some place to live, stay here in my house. You have many credits that you need to pay from me." Kenji said

"S-stay, then what?" Kim asked

"...Be my dog!" Kenji said

"😬 WHAT?!" Kim shouted

"As mean, be my maid!" Kenji said

"Who you to be your pet, I'm just a human like you!" Kim complained

Kenji laughed, "You're easy to be high tempered... Joke. If what I have first mentioned to you, that must be... Whatever, you'll stay here."

Kim calms and surprised again. Somehow, Gino will secure Kim to Kenji. Later at night, on the second floor, Kenji was sleeping deeply from his master bedroom. While on the first floor, Kim was still awake, sitting on the couches and talking with Gino.

"Why you're forbidden me to tell him about your location from your corpse?" Kim asked

(Because I wanted to stay with you forever) Gino wrote

"It means, you're very determined from your failing deal to kill me by Fiancé someday?" Kim asked

😊 Gino smiled such agreed

"No!" Kim suddenly whips the notebook on Gino's face

Gino got hit and became so mad. Kim lied down and go to sleep.

"(Let see how much that I'm important for you.)" Gino thought

...I don't why Gino refused me to say his corpse's location to Kenji. He also changed his mind...

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