006 - First Day of School

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Naeun's P.O.V

Ahhh.. Its the first day of school,gotta get ready!

Getting ready for school.

*took a shower*

*brushes teeth*

*putting on the school's uniform*

*comb my hair*

*putting on some eyeliner and some lip balm*

*looking at myself in the mirror*

"I think I look fine". Then someone knocked the door. "Come in!",my mom came in. "You look beautiful on your first day","Thanks mom..","But isn't make-up forbidden?",she asked.

"That was like the old school.. Now,you can wear make-up to school","You even added some bling to your school uniform",she said and I looked at my uniform.

Okay.. Maybe I over did it but I like it.. Studs on the school blazer..

The principle did say I can design my own blazer.. He says "Be creative! Be a star!". I went downstairs for breakfast. "Morning dad",kisses his cheeks. "Morning,darling"."Look who's all dress-up for school",Hyorin teased me. "Ha Ha Ha.. Very funny lil sis!","What? I was being nice","Yeah right.. With that type of smile,face and attitude.. Puh-lease"."Alright.. Alright..",after the tiny fight.. We ate our breakfast peacefully but as fast we can.

Dad had to drive Hyorin and Hyerim to school,while our driver drove me to school. Hyorin even complained why I had a driver and she doesn't.

"Its because your school is near to dad's company,plus you and Hyerim are in the same school and my school is way further than both of you",I said.

I just waved them goodbye and went into my car. We drove to Kirin Art School.

Jonghyun's P.O.V

"Oh my god! I'm gonna be late for school!",took a quick bath,put on my clothes and fixed my hair. Went downstairs and took a piece of toast and spread it with strawberry jam and took my car keys. "Bye,mom! Gotta go!","Bye,son!",she waved at me.

"Gonna be late.. Gonna be late",I mumbled in the car. As soon as I arrived at the students parking lot I quickly fix my hair and finish the last bite of the toast and went out.

Then,I saw a black car stoping right in front of the school entrance.

Who's car could that be? Ahh.. I forgot! New kids! I wonder whose car is that? He or she must be really rich!

I said to myself while walking stylishly with studded blazer. Walking towards the entrance, I saw a man went out of the car and open the car for the girl.

That girl's parents must be very rich,I like what she did with her uniform..Wait a minute,its SON NAEUN!

The man bowed at her before driving off.

This is my chance!

I tried walking towards her but then stop when I saw Minho and Eunji walking towards her.

Aigoo.. Minho... Choi Minho... Grrr.. Why?!

Naeun saw Minho and ran to him "Oppa!",man.. that word.. I always wanted to hear someone calling me 'oppa',by someone I mean someone I love not like the creepy fans I have in and out of the school.

Naeun's P.O.V

"Oppa!",I ran to Minho and Eunji. "Naeun-ah!",he patted my head and pinched my nose.

"Aigoo.. Naeun.. I love your uniform",Eunji praised my uniform. "Thank you.. Its a Son Naeun original.. Hahaha",they all laughed.

"Have you checked your class schedule?",Minho asked. "Yes.. But not sure which class am I in","You don't know which class too? Great! Now I am not alone! Lets go Naeun!",Eunji pulled me to the school's office which was right around the hall.

-at the office-

"Excuse me,miss?","Yes?","We both want to know which class are we in","Ooohh.. New students?","Yeah!","Okay.. Name?","Son Naeun",I said. "Jung Eunji",Eunji said.

The person infornt of us was busy typing something on her laptop.

"Alright.. Son Naeun?","Yes?","Your in class Daisy",I didn't say anything but bow down."Jung Eunji?","Yes?","Your in Carnation","Yes!"she squealed.

"Excuse me whats the differences between Daisy and Carnation?","We put you guys into classes.Like the full set takes daisy. Carnation is singing and dancing","Full set?",me and Eunji were a bit confused.

"Yes,full set. Like you. You can compose,can sing and I'm sure your a pretty good dancer and actress","Well.. Just a bit",I said.

"Okay here are your locker combo",I took the paper and headed off to my locker. I open it and it has all the book I needed. And a gym attire.

I put my bag in the locker and grabbed my books for Social-Studies. I closed my locker and accidentally hit someone,which made all my books fell.

The person I knocked was a guy. His perfume was very strong but I still can hold it. It was then I accidentally hold his hand. I looked up and looked at him.

I was startled, it can't be. He was shocked too,I think because his eyes got bigger. "Kim Jonghyun?","Son Naeun?",he said.

Oh my god! It is him! It really is him! Oh my god!

Jonghyun's P.O.V

"Kim Jonghyun",she said.. "Son Naeun?",to be honest I was as surprised as she was.

"Uhmm.. Sorry.. Come here let me help you up",she held my hands. "I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where was I going","Nahh.. Its okay.. I wasn't looking either",so there was an awkward silence but I manage to break it. "So what class are you in?","Daisy..","Oo! I'm in Daisy too..",I was shocked that she was in Daisy but not as shock as she was.

Her mouth was almost dangling. I almost laughed. But didn't dare too. "So what class do you have after lunch?","Uhmm.. Vocal?","Ooo! Same as me",actually I already knew that she had the same class as me. Because all the classes after lunch [for Daisy] is all the same. So I was pretty excited.

"So.. See you later then",she walked away. I was disappointed at first but atleast I got to meet her and talk to her.

"I should have ask her for her number",I mumbled to myself

Another chance LOST

<to be continued>

🍀Edited : 30/12/15 (1:04am)

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