029 - The Proposal

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Naeun's POV

Today,Jonghyun oppa is acting really weird. Like really,whenever I try to get closer to him he would freak out and run away. Like? What's up with that?

Did I do something wrong? I don't think so... Do I smell? No,I don't....

For some reason,his been avoiding me this past few days. I want to find out what is it,but I didn't want to bother him.

I don't know what his up too... But it must have to do with me or else he wouldn't avoid me.. Right?

I gave up thinking the fact that Jonghyun would tell me,so I just went upstairs into Jongin and Joonhyun's room. I opened the door to find them lying on the floor looking at the ceiling.

"What are you boys doing?",I asked.

"Nothing,eomma... Just thinking about something",Jongin replied.

"Which is?",I asked as I laid down in between the both of them.

"We were just wondering.... When are you and appa getting married?",Jongin asked me a very 'weird' question.

"That. I can't answer now",I said.

"Like seriously,eomma. You already have two children... Yet,your still not married. We both find it weird,especially me",he explained while Joonhyun just hugged me on the side.

"You see.... Both of us don't have any plans to get married yet... We just got back together after years and years being apart from each other.... I really hope you understand",I exclaimed.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I? As long as you and appa,won't leave us anymore",he said and hugged me.

Soon,I left the room and let them do their own things. After that talk with Jongin,I kept on thinking about 'marriage'. What it would be like to be a married woman? Especially to the man that I love the most...

Jongin has a good point. Maybe,its time for me to settle down,eventhough I already have my own family... But me and Jonghyun are still not married yet. Well,that's normal for Americans... But, I don't think its right for Koreans...

Maybe its time for me to talk about this with Jonghyun. I went downstairs to find him. He wasn't in the living room. He was in the kitchen. "Oppa... I think we need to talk",I said and sat in front of him.

"Talk about?",he asked but eyes still glued on to his phone.

"Can you look at me when I'm talking to you?",I raised my voice a little.

He placed his phone on the side and looked at me deeply in the eyes. *WHOOOOOOSH* I'M LOST

"What is it that you wanna talk about? Is it important?",he asked while drinking his lemonade.

"Yes. Yes,it is",I bravely said.

"If its important,then lets go out",he said.

"What? Didn't you hear me? Its important",I raised my voice a little higher than before.

"Come on",he pulled my hands and dragged me to the bedroom. He went into the closet and took out three boxes and handed it to me.

"Go and get ready. Come out in an hour",he said and left the room. He left me with the boxes in my hand. I was still clueless with the current situation. I placed the three boxes on the bed and opened them one by one.


It was a white dress with a little *POOF*. The front was short but the back was long,it looked really elegant.

The second box contains a white Christian Louboutins with diamonds on the heels. I always wanted a red sole!!!!

The third box was a diamond necklace and earrings. I wonder what was he thinking buying me this things. Never mind that now, I only have 45 minutes to get ready.

I rushed to the bathroom and took a quick bath. I curled the bottom part of my hair and quickly put on the dress and the accessories. I grabbed my white clutch and the shoes and went out of the room.

That's when I saw my prince waiting for me wearing a tuxedo. He looked....dashing...

"Shall we?",he said.

"What about the boys?",I asked him.

"I'm here! Have fun!",I heard Joy's voice.

"When did you call her?",I asked him in the car on our way to the 'secret destination'.

Still curious... About all the attire....

Jonghyun's POV

Its time.... The time has come for me to make a move... We drove to the most fanciest restaurant in the States.

After we finish dinner,I asked the waiter for more wine. Specifically the wine from FRANCE. The place where I fell for her.

I was nervous as hell when she kept on looking at me,my palms were sweaty as fuck. Chill... Jonghyun.. Your 31... Its now or never....

I stood up and walked towards her. She just looked at me blankly. Like the 'WHAT ARE YOU DOING?' look.

Everyone in the dining room were just looking at me like I was about to something wrong. I breathe in and out.

"I want everyone in this place to be the witness",I said out loud. "Oppa,what are you doing? Sit down...",she said softly trying to cover her face.

I knee-led down on one knee and took out a black box out of my tux's pocket. I opened it and it showed a 15 carat diamond ring.

"Son Naeun....",I called out her name slowly. I saw her covering her mouth with her hands.

"We have been separated twice.... And I don't want that to happen again.. I want the both of us and our sons to live together... Forever till the end of times.... So..... Will you marry me and be Mrs. Kim?",I finally proposed to her.

I saw tears flowing from her tears. "Y-yes!",she said. I took the ring and put in on her ring finger. It looks as stunning as the owner of the ring.

As soon as I stood up,she hugged me. The people around us just gave us a huge applause. Finally!!! She's mine!!! Well... Soon....

"Thank you,oppa",she said. "No.... Thank you",I said and kissed her forehead.

Thank you god,for the most precious gift in the whole wide world.... I'm never letting go this one.. Never... Ever... In this world... And the after world....

We both drove back to her house with a big smile plastered on our faces. She kept on looking and playing with the ring. "You like it that much?",I asked her and she nodded.

"Mhmm... Its the prettiest ring I have ever seen",she said and took it of. She saw something carved on the band. "Oh? J + N = J & J",she looked and me smiled.

Our initials and our sons. 'Jonghyun + Naeun = Jongin & Joonhyun'....

<to be continued>


A/N : Annyeong! Long time no see~ Sorry,for the late update... Again... I'm really sorry... Its not that I didn't want to write.. Its just that I had no time to write.. So,here's a short-chapter about what happen between Jonghyun and Naeun.

So,sad to tell you that this story is ending soon.. Probably another few chapters and it will end.

Oh,yeah! Forgot to say THANKS! Thank you so much for 10k++. I still remember writing the first chapter for this story and it was freaking weird because its my 1st story. But,now I have came out with 3 stories(not completed..yet).

Please Don't Stop Supporting Me:-



🍀 Edited : 10/4/16 (3:12pm) 🍀

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