007 - Accident I

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Naeun's P.O.V

"Finally its a Saturday",I screamed out loud in my room. I literally throwed myself on the bed. That was like the best feeling ever.


"Kim Jong-Hyun.. The same class as me.. His voice was amazing.. A 16 years old guy with 4 octaves.. Amazing",I said while imagining him singing in class just now.. He sang an English song,which was 'Through The Dark' by One Direction.

Amazing.. *heart fluttering*

"Unnie!!!",my sisters came screaming in my room. I was so shocked that I fell down the bed and hit my head on my studded iPhone cover. I didn't use it anymore since it was too dangerous.

I didn't know that it was under the bed. I touched my forehead and it started bleeding. "Unnie!",the voices of my sisters scream was getting slower and slower

"Mom!",Hyorin called mom. Which made her ran up the stairs even faster.


"Mommy! Hurry! Unnie fainted!",she started to freaked out since part of it was her fault but part of it was mine. I can't handle blood.

-at the hospital-

My head and eyes felted like it weight 100 pounds. I couldn't open my eyes or lift up my head. My body wasn't moving. But I can smell something weird.

This is not my room scent,this is the HOSPITAL!

My eyes were as wide as an owls eyes! "Naeun.. You okay?",mom asked.

Can't she see that her daughter is in pain now?

"No.. I am not okay",I answered politely even though it sounds a little bit rude. "Why did you bring me to the hospital? You guys know that I don't like the hospital nor the doctors nor the medicines",I said.

Mom gave me a glare "We brought here so you can be treated in care. I am not a doctor who can sew your forehead",she said.

I touched my forehead I felt there was some stitches.

How am I gonna go to school like this?

The doctor finally came in and broke the silence "Okay.. Let me do some checking",the doctor checked everything.. I think she is the nicest doctor I've ever met.

Her name was Oh JinHee. Her husband also works in the same hospital,Oh ChangMin. Such a sweet pair. They are the only doctor who dares to touch me. I would scold the other doctors if they dare to come near me.

Jonghyun's P.O.V

"Mom! I don't wanna go to the hospital! My chin is fine!",I babbled at her but she wouldn't listen.

*a few minutes back*

I was happily playing my skate board behind the house. Mom bought me this new skateboard which was a limited edition penny board. It had a transparent body and transparent wheels. I had so much fun,then it happen.

I was doing some of my greatest stunt then I fell on my chin. Obviously mom freaked out since I'm the 'baby boy' in the house.

-at the hospital-

I fainted. When I saw the needle. When I woke up my chin was all stitched up. My favourite doctor came in,Dr. Oh ChangMin and his wife Dr. JinHee. They are like the best.

Dr. Changmin checked my jaws and see if there is anything swollen or broken. I heard that Dr. JinHee was going next door. I also heard that the person next door had a similar thing that had happen to me,only she fell of the bed and accidentally hit her studded phone cover and she got stitched on the forehead.

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