030 - D-Day

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Author's POV

Today is the day where Jonghyun and Naeun will finally tie the knot.

Like finally.. After having two kids..

"Oh my god... Unnie,I'm nervous as hell",Naeun said to Cho-Rong.

"Don't worry. You'll be fine. Today's the day and in an hour,you'll be walking down the aisle to your man",she encouraged Naeun.

Which made her much more calmer,actually.

She seems calmer,but fear never left her. She was shivering and slowly sweating.

"Naeun-ah,don't sweat too much baby. You'll ruin the make-up",Naeun's eomma said and gently wiped her sweats of her forehead.

"Eomma,I'm seriously nervous",she said to her eomma.

"I know you are. But isn't this what you wanted?",she said and Naeun nodded.

"Then? Cheer up. My daughter is finally going to be a married woman",she added and slightly shook Naeun.

On the other side,Jonghyun too was nervous. "Hyung.. Can you sit down? Your making us dizzy?",Taemin said to him.

Jonghyun was too nervous that he couldn't even sit down or stay at that one place for a minute.

"You know I can't. I'm too nervous",he replied to the maknae.

"But this isn't your first marriage,hyung",Minho said which made Jonghyun stop walking for awhile.

"This is different. I'm marrying someone whom I truly and deeply love",he said and continued walking around the waiting room.

Suddenly,there was a knock at the door to Jonghyun's waiting room. "Its time,bro",Jonghyun's hyung came in a nd said it.

"Okay,breathe in and out Jonghyun. In and out",he said to himself.

He then walked to the end of the aisle and stood there with his best man,Key and the others on the side.

"Lets welcome the bride",the preacher said and his heart just stopped beating upon seeing his soon-to-be wife.

Naeun slowly walks down the aisle,linking arms with her appa.

Once they reached the end of the aisle,her appa handed her hands to Jonghyun.

"Treat my daughter well or I'm going to find you",he said which made Jonghyun cracked a little.

Naeun finally stood in front of Jonghyun in a white elegant wedding dress. Jonghyun lifted the veil and put it to the back which revealed his beautiful lady.

"You look gorgeous",he said to Naeun,which made her blush madly.

"Before we start the wedding,is there anyone who objects this marriage?",the preacher to the audience. "No? Good!",the preacher said and the people in the church laugh.

After they both exchange their wedding vows and ring,it was finally the time to say the two words that would change their entire whole life.

"Do you Kim Jonghyun take Son Naeun as your lawful wedded wife?",the preacher said. "I absolutely do!",he said and Naeun smiled sheepishly.

"And do you Son Naeun take Kim Jonghyun as your lawful wedded husband?",the preacher asked Naeun. "I do!",she said with full of confidence.

"May the both of you live happily ever after. You may kiss the bride",he said and Jonghyun quickly pulled Naeun's waist and crashed his lips onto his wife's lips.

And with that they walked down the aisle door and off to the reception hall at Lotus Hotel,near the church. You could actually walk from the church to the hotel.

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