015 - Everything Has Changed

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Naeun's P.O.V

"Ms. Son.. Your 9 weeks pregnant","What? Pregnant?","Yes,you seem very shocked. Anyways,congratulations",Dr. Oh said.

We paid for all the medication and treatment,we even paid extra just for her to close her mouth. I was still in shocked. Eomma brought me to the car and I cried in the car.

How can I be pregnant? We used protector, I even took a pill. What the hell?

My heart ached.

"Eomma.. What.. Am.. I.. Gonna.. Do.. now? My career is all... ruin","Its okay,baby.. We'll figure out a way","How?","We'll discuss this at home with your appa,okay?","Okay,eomma",I said. My heart was paralyzed. I couldn't breath properly,I was still in shock.

"Appa.. What am I gonna do now?","Now? You'll have to quit your job and move back to the United States","What? Give up my job? Move back to the US? Leaving again?",I said.

Luckily,my two sisters weren't at home. They went for a school field trip to Japan. "But,appa..","No,buts! Now, I wanna ask you. Do you wanna raise that baby of yours?","Ugh..",I was blank. I didn't know what to think. Should I keep this baby or not? "Appa.. I don't know..","Honey.. Don't pressure her.. A pregnant woman can't handle pressure",eomma said.

Appa sat beside and pulled me closer. He hugged me tightly and said,"Raise the baby.. Don't take any abortion or give the baby to anyone.. Because this baby is Son a family".

This baby is also a Kim family,appa...

My heart ached again..

"Its up to you to tell the father or not",eomma said. Leaving me in my room alone. I just stared at the ceiling.

I couldn't think. I decided to check the web if there is anything new. I clicked 'Twitter' and saw the latest trending. My eyes nearly popped out.. It was "Jonghyun & Jessica",I shrieked.

I quickly pressed the home button and pressed 'Safari' and searched for ' Jonghyun & Jessica '.

I closed my mouth. I couldn't believe what was I reading. "Jonghyun & Jessica are off-the-market. Both of this two idols are getting married in a luxurious hotel owned by Jessica's parents Zeus Hotel", I couldn't continue reading... My heart ached badly,I couldn't even stop crying.

"Baby..... I'm sorry that you'll never gonna get to meet your appa.. I'm so sorry",I said while rubbing my 'flat' tummy.

Jonghyun's P.O.V

"Hyung! Let's go have dinner outside today?",Minho asked me. "Nah! You guys go without me. I don't feel to good","Naww.. Hyung please",Key started doing some silly aegyo.

None of us never say NO to Key but today I just had to say NO to everyone. "No,Key. I really don't feel like it","Ok,suit yourself. Come when you feel like it okay? You know where's the usual place",he said and I just nodded effortlessly.

They all left. Not even 5 minutes has passed there was a knock at the door. I walked to the door lazily. When I open it, a woman just hugged me. I was paralyzed.

I look down and saw Jessica. I pulled her in 'cause I don't want anyone to know that I'm gonna 'scold' her.

"What the hell are you doing here,woman?","Just seeing my fiance. That's all",she walked to the sofa and sat. "Did I tell you to sit?","I'm your fiance Kim Jonghyun! Respect me as your fiance",she shouted back at me.

Luckily,the whole building is sound proof. "You listen to me,woman! I'll make sure for the rest of our marriage life that I'll never love you! I won't even touch you! And I'll make sure that you'll regret marrying me! 'Cause I'll never love you,woman!",I said with an angry tone.

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