016 - Years Has Passed By..

851 35 2

Naeun's P.O.V

-At home[States]-

Four years has passed and I'm still in the States raising my baby. "Eomma!","Yes,JongIn?","Eomma.. I'm hungry",he came at me and looked at me in the eyes.

Oh my baby.. You look exactly like your appa.. What am I gonna do?

"OK,eomma will cook for you. But what do you want to eat?",I asked him while ruffling his hair.

"I'm here! And I bought some grocery!","Myungsoo ahjushi!",JongIn ran to Myungsoo and gave him a big hug. "JongIn-ah.. Ahjushi bought you some mini kimbap","Really? Thank you ahjushi!",he hugged him. I wish that I could see him doing that to Jonghyun. But,that can never be a reality.

Later that night, JongIn felt really tired after playing with Myungsoo. So, I brought him to my room. Since his still young and I don't want him to sleep alone. I tucked JongIn. "Eomma.....",he grabbed my hand. "Yes,baby? What's wrong? Do you want water?","No..",he shook his head. "Then?","Eomma... Where's my appa?",I knew that one day he would ask me that question.

He then asked again, "Did my appa go some where? All my other friends has a dad. How come I don't have one? When is appa coming home?",I sat beside him.

"Jongin-ah.. Appa.. Has work to do.. His living in Korea.. His very busy.. So he doesn't have time to visit okay?",he nodded. "When can we go back to Korea?","Soon,darling.. We'll go back soon.. Eomma needs to find a job first,okay?",he nodded cutely and pulled the blanket. I kissed his forehead. "Goodnight~ Eomma..",he said. "Goodnight~ Jongin", I said.

I went back downstairs. "Myungsoo your still here?","Yeah..","Why?","Nothing",I walked closer to him and hugged him. He hugged me back. "Thank you for everything","You don't have to thank me.. I'm your best friend and I'll always be your best friend and also your guardian",he said letting go of the hug.

"I better go now. My flight back to Seoul is tomorrow morning. Have you thought of coming back to Seoul?",he said. "Not yet",he ruffled my hair and waved 'Bye~'. I waved back.

I went to my room and grabbed my towel. I washed my face and changed into my sleeping wear. I walked towards the bed and saw Jongin fast asleep. I laid down beside him and pulled him closer.

Jongin-ah.. I wish your appa was here.. I wish that he knew you existed... I wish that he could see you everyday and tell you that he loves you.. I'm sorry darling..

My heart couldn't stop crying.

Jonghyun's P.O.V

It has been 4 years since I got married to a devil and it that 4 years I haven't heard anything from Naeun. I asked Minho, he doesn't know. I asked all her good friends,but the answer was the same. they all didn't know where Naeun was.

Naeun.. Where are you? Please come back. I would love to make it up to you..

"KIM JONGHYUN!",Jessica screamed. "What?","We have been married for 4 years now! Why can't we have children like other married couples!","That is because we are not like other married couple. I told you in the beginning that I'm never gonna touch you","But I want kids","Then go adopt some","I want my own kids","Then,go and marry some other guy that would give his sperm to you. I'm pretty sure there are tons of guy who would want to do so",I said to her with a dull expression plastered on my face.

I seriously don't like her. I should talk to noona. Its been awhile since I last talk to her. I dialed her number and walked outside to the lawn.

Jonghyun: Noona! Annyeong! How are you?

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