025 - You're My Answer

439 23 3

Jonghyun's POV

Myungsoo knows where Naeun is... But why Myungsoo out of all people.. Why Naeun? Why does it have to be someone who is super secretive and extremely quiet?

"Oppa!",Krystal wave her hands in front of me.

"Y-yes?",I asked her.

"Have you found Naeun yet?",she asked.

I shook my head. We both sigh deeply.

We both stood up when Jessica's parents came to the room.

Jess's mom held my hand," I'm sorry,Jonghyun-ah! Because of our daughter, you have to suffer. You have made a lot of sacrifices. We are deeply sorry",she said.

"Its okay",I said.

"Its not okay! She made you left your son and the mother",she continued.

"I did that to save them. I would do anything to save them",I said.

"From this day onwards.. You are free, Jonghyun-ah",she added.

I gasped. But in a good way.

I couldn't believe my ears..

I'm finally free?

"You don't have to be here anymore....",she added.

"Thank you,eomma-nim.. But,I'll stay here for few more hours. I'll stay here until this funeral ends",I said.

She nodded and walked away to the resting area.

----The Next Morning----

I packed my stuff and brought it back to the dorm.

Believe it or not, but SHINee is still alive.

But we mostly do ballads song now and then.

"Hyung!",Taemin cried out loud and ran towards me.

Same goes to the others. They gave me a huge group hug.

"G-guys! C-c-can't breathe here!",I said.

"Oh,sorry!",the said in unison.

"Why are you here anyways? With all your stuff?",Key asked.

"I'm moving back in! Duh!",I said sarcastically.

"Your wife died a few days ago,right?",Minho asked.

I nodded.

"And your moving back in?",Onew added.

"Yup! That's how it goes",I said with the cheekiest smile ever.

"Yah! Napuen namja! [Bad boy!]",Key hit me.

"Why? Why? Why?",that's the only thing that came out of my mouth.

"Your wife just died a few days ago and now your moving back in?",he asked again.

"Yes! How many times do I have to tell you guys?",I said.

"No,its just weird",Taemin added,since Key is lost of words.

"Her family let me go. So,now I have no connection anymore with her family",I said.

After a few(bunch) of questions. They let me stay.

"Hyung...",Minho called me.

"Hmm?",I looked at him.

"Have you found her yet?",he asked.

I shook my head. "Aniyaa.. I haven't. But,I know where to find her now",I said to him.

"Oh? Where?",he sat beside me and looked at me. Which was kinda creepy,'cause Minho has this big huge eyes.

"Before Jessica died. She told me that someone knew about her whereabouts",I continued.

"Who?",he asked again & again.

"Kim. Myung. Soo.",I said word by word.

His jaws dropped,he quickly shut it with his hands.

Where are you,Myungsoo!

Myungsoo's POV

"So,how's the kids?",I asked Naeun through video-call.

"They're doing just fine,oppa. Their more worried about you",she said.

"Ahjusshi!",I heard them screaming for me.

"Ahjusshi! Annyeong!",they both waved at me. They were adorable as fuck.

As Jongin grew older, he looks more like Naeun. Not like, when his younger. He looks exactly like Jonghyun.

A photo copy of Jonghyun. But Joonhyun is the exact photo copy of Jonghyun. Same eyes,nose &lips.

You could say,everything was similar. Its like seeing a mini-Jonghyun.

Which was cute...

We all chatted for awhile,but got distracted when there was a knock.

"Guys, I'll call you guys later,okay?",I said to them.

Before,I ended the call. They all gave me a flying kiss,even Naeun since I ask her to do so.

I hung up and opened the door.

"L hyung! There's someone at the door for you",Sungjong shouted from the living room.

"Who?",I asked him. Still not stepping out of the room.

There wasn't any responds. I decided to go out and checked myself.

Aigoo.. Who's disturbing me at night?

My jaws nearly dropped on the sudden visitor.

"J-j-jonghyun sunbae-nim?!",I nearly screamed on top of my lungs.

Naeun's POV

Such a beautiful day here in the States.

"Eomma... Can we go to the park today?",Joonhyun looked at me with that cute puppy eyes..

I ruffled his hair and nodded. "Sure,baby.. Go and tell your brother. Change into something more comfortable,okay?".

"Ne,eomma!",he kissed my cheeks and ran upstairs to tell Jongin and changed his clothes.

I shook my head at his actions.

I went upstairs to my room and changed into my sunny dress with a cardigan.

"You boys ready?",I called them while wearing my converse.

"C'mon boys! Before the sun disappears",I said.

All of us stepped out of the house.

Suddenly, Jongin dropped his basketball.

"What's wrong baby?",I looked at him.

He pointed to something far.

I looked at where he was pointing.

My jaws nearly dropped and my knees were weak.

It cannot be............



A/N : Hey,lovelies! Sorry for the late update! I wanted to update before I went to Singapore. But, I forgot. Now, I'm safely at home. I think I should update.

And sorry for the crappy chapter :(



🍀 Edited : 10/4/16 (12:49pm) 🍀

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