Chapter 2- Falling

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Simon got up off the floor, balanced himself correctly and tried to ignore the fact that he felt worryingly ill, but he didn't care enough to head back home right now.

Simon headed towards the games shop and pushed open the door, feeling warm heating hit his face as he closed the door behind him. It wasn't until Simon had entered the shop that he had realised how cold he actually was. But Simon felt much more relaxed now and content, he felt like he belonged in this very gaming shop.

Simon headed straight towards one of the smaller isles filled with 18+ games, Simon wasn't quite old enough yet, but it didn't bother him because he couldn't have it anyway. Simon picked up one of the newest Call Of Duty games from the shelf and glared at it, Simon began to look at the games on the shelves as if they were puppies- and Simon felt so in love.

It didn't feel like long to Simon, but he must have been a few minutes that Simon stayed in the same spot, glancing in up awe at the various video games as when he decided to consider making his way back home that he bumped into the same coloured boy he saw walking into this very shop a few minutes ago as he turned around. Simon was so embarrassed as he had completely imbedded himself into the boy's chest as he tripped over his own shoe lace and tumbled head over heels. Simon felt like he hadn't experienced anything more embarrassing in his life as his face hit the floor and his headache only began to get worse by the metal rack of the shelves hitting Simon square to the back of the head. Simon let out a small grunt as he felt his head quickly spin and heard loud footsteps approach him from around the shop.

Simon's hearing was disorientated, but he could feel hands on him that he imagined to be the dark skinned boy, something about that boy just interested Simon so much and he desperately wanted to just see him again.


I didn't know who this blondie was, but he was quite cute looking up close. He tripped rather badly, and I ended up blaming his fall on me. I was standing too close to him. I couldn't tell you why, but there was something in him that just interested me so much, I think it may have been the way he was just staring at the selection of games. My- it seemed as if he had never seen a video game before.

He had bright blue eyes, that seemed to match perfectly with his personality, staring at everything in awe. As he tripped, I tried my best to grab a hold of him as he fell, but I only made it worse as I didn't managed to catch him. We were both in an embarrassing situation and I began to get so worried over him. I wanted this stranger to be okay and unharmed, but I didn't know what to do as he had seemed to had hit his head pretty hard, so I called out for help, lucky enough to have the cashier see everything and come rushing over to help me straight away with the boy that I had never seen before.

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