Chapter 33- Behzinga

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-a couple of months later

Ethan's POV

I read a message back from my mum that I had just received;

'I'll be coming home a lot later tonight, sweetie- around eight. I'm so sorry, but can't be helped. There's some food in the freezer that you can make yourself if you get hungry. Love you x'

Great. I had thought, this meant that I could stream on youtube, starting now. I picked up my XBox controller and turned on Black Ops, switched on record and introduced everyone to the livestream. I hit the 100 view mark within about 10 minutes, and I felt the happiest I have ever been in a while.

Comments came through regularly as feedback from the video, and at times I could, I would pause to read through them all.

Once I had won a game and celebrated proudly in my room, I took a minute to read out loud and respond to comments in my stream;


'Hi, KSI or k-see, however you wanna pronounce it' I say aloud, in response to his comment

'Bro you pronounce the letters, it isn't a fucking word'

'Well I don't know bro do I' I say, smiling back and returning to the main menu

Random commenter #1
'Yo you don't know KSI?'

Random commenter #2
'Yo he totally blew up youtube'


'Alright then, let's pretend I do know KSI' I say in reply, laughing out loud and struggling to decided whether I like this guy or not.

'You know me from this moment on'.

I then decided to leave it there with another game and a smile in his response.

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