Chapter 30- Knowlege

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For the times when I wasn't with Simon, I was recording my own gameplay of GTA and uploading it to my YouTube channel as a bit of entertainment, and mainly to cheer myself up when I wasn't with him.

The videos I had been uploading to YouTube had, once again started to take flight. I really enjoyed the idea of being able to post whatever I wanted to a platform full of people I had never met in my life.

And I wanted to have Simon join me.

Ever since I introduced Simon to video games, on that day that he first came around mine, he's become much better at playing against me. I just hope that we don't seem too in love if we do start filming our videos together


'So, here's what I've been doing' I say to Simon, passing him my phone. My phone displayed my YouTube homepage in which I had named my channel 'KSI', and uploading videos to YouTube had been something I have been working on for a while now.

I was sitting on my bed, with Simon next to me, and I had just finished wrecking his arse in GTA.  I was anxious as to what Simon would think of me for getting so involved in YouTube, it was a big commitment for him if he ever wanted to join me- and I only ever wanted him to be happy.

I had my hand wrapped around Simon's waist as he scrolled through my latest videos and comments I had received. Simon wasn't saying much, but I could feel his steady breathing on my chest and a smile appear on his face. 'you've got loads of comments' Simon eventually says, in which I reply with a kiss to his cheek.

'What do you think? Are you up for it?' I ask, Simon was halfway through watching my latest video, mainly consisting of myself screaming like an idiot halfway through, but he seemed to be enjoying it. Simon's face brightened with laughter, and my heart warmed knowing that he was enjoying my crap- quality videos.

'JJ, you're funny enough on your own. You don't need me, I wouldn't be entertaining at all' Simon says, looking back at me, turning himself to face me on the bed

'No, I want you on! If you don't like a video we film, I won't upload it!' I say, almost begging in reply, holding Simon's hands in mine 'we've got to at least try, you have a good time when you play with me, there's nothing not entertaining about you, babe'

'I mean, I'd love to, but I don't want to let you down' Simon says, loosing eye contact as I lean in for a hug. I squeeze him tightly as he hugs me back. I remind him he doesn't have to do film with me, and he if decides he doesn't want to do it anymore than he won't have to. We remain in each other's body warmth until Simon replies.

'I'll do it' Simon says eventually. He then budges over closer to me and places a palm to my cheek.

'Really?' I ask, staring into his bright blue eyes.

'Of course, I'll give it a go' Simon replies

'Thank you, so much' I say to Simon. And with that, I go to pick up the two Xbox controllers left lying on the floor and hand one to Simon, sitting back down on the bed and getting ready to record. 'Just none of this gay shit, remember?' I state finally, looking over at him.

Simon doesn't look at me back, but at the controller in his lap, 'Fine' he says, sighing.

'I just don't feel comfortable enough yet, I'm sorry' I say, feeling guilty. I mess his hair up as a tease one last time before we start recording, causing Simon to smile back over at me.

'Hey, you said no more of this gay shit' Simon says back, shoving me over gently on the bed.

'None of this gay shit' I repeat, before looking over to the camera and filming the intro.

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